Single Review: Reba McEntire, “Just Like Them Horses”

February 5, 2016 Kevin John Coyne 8

It’s hard to put into words how exquisitely beautiful this record is. But if you’re familiar with Reba McEntire’s body of work, I’ll start by saying this. It could be dropped, as is, into the middle of the For My Broken Heart album and not only fit in, but elevate that collection.

Favorite Females’ Covers of Females’ Songs

August 30, 2015 Tara Seetharam 27

We can thank the shortsighted radio consultant Keith Hill for one thing: drawing attention to the women of country music in a year where so many of them are making outstanding music. As their mainstream counterparts cycle through a series of one-note styles and themes, female country artists are putting out diverse and decidedly more progressive music, even as they draw influence from previous generations. That they do so while supporting each other makes it all the more impressive.

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Daily Top Five: Gender Swap

June 30, 2015 Kevin John Coyne 19

Some of the most interesting country covers are ones where the artist doing the cover is of a different gender than the artist that recorded the original. What are your five favorite “gender swap” covers?

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Daily Top Five: Father’s Day

June 21, 2015 Kevin John Coyne 14

Regular posts, including single reviews, will begin again tomorrow. In the meantime, today’s Daily Top Five is perfect for the day in question. What are your five favorite country songs about being a dad? It

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