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Daily Top Five: Twitter Country

June 1, 2015 Jonathan Keefe 4

We’ve been beefing up our activity on Twitter of late– for those of you not following us yet, you’ll never in a million years believe that our name is @CountryUniverse— and have been enjoying the

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Album Review: Gretchen Peters, Blackbirds

March 23, 2015 Jonathan Keefe 2

Gretchen Peters Blackbirds More so than her artfully-turned phrases and her novel, evocative imagery, perhaps Gretchen Peters’ greatest gift as a songwriter is her mastery of perspective. Peters’ ability to shift her narrative voice to

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Starter Kit: Jason Isbell

February 17, 2015 Jonathan Keefe 9

In early February, Zac Brown Band kicked off a brief cycle of Twitter Outrage when they performed a cover of Jason Isbell’s “Dress Blues,” which they are rumored to have cut for their upcoming album,

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Song Talk: Songs About Songs

July 17, 2014 Kevin John Coyne 17

Songs have such a big impact on our life experience that they sometimes inspire songs of their own.  It’s a cool theme that I wish more singers and songwriters would explore. Here are some of

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