Frank Sinatra

Sunday Selections: July 31, 2016
You say, “tomato,” we say… actually, we’ll let Margo Price fill in the rest.

100 Greatest Men: #44. Glen Campbell
100 Greatest Men: The Complete List
A young talent from Arkansas that developed from an in-demand session musician into a frontman for the ages.

The 30 Day Song Challenge: Day 23
An Oldie But Goodie.
Here are the staff picks:
Kevin Coyne: “Tell It to the Rain” – The 4 Seasons
You can tell it’s the mid-sixties because they’re dabbling a bit with production gimmicks. I think it’s their coolest sounding record, one of their best compositions, and Frankie Valli at the peak of his vocal prowess.

The 30 Day Song Challenge: Day 8
A Song That You Know All the Words To.
Staff Picks:
Kevin Coyne: “My Way” – Frank Sinatra
There’s gotta be a thousand songs I know all of the words to, but I’ll pick this one because it took me a while to anticipate all of the odd rhymes with “my way”, most especially the line about “each careful step along the byway.” Plus I’m just going through a big Sinatra phase these days.