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Digital Country

September 28, 2006 Kevin John Coyne 2

Over the past few years, with the establishment of iTunes and other online music stores, more music fans are getting their fix digitally than ever before. However, much like country consumers held on to the

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Single Reviews: September 7, 2006

September 7, 2006 Kevin John Coyne 0

MONGTOMERY GENTRY, “Some People Change” The boys turn in a strong cover of a song that originally appeared on the Kenny Chesney album When The Sun Goes Down. The message is more powerful coming from

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Introducing Paul W. Dennis

August 26, 2006 Kevin John Coyne 0

Regular readers of Country Universe and Liberal Country Fan will recognize the name Paul W. Dennis, as he is the reader who most frequently comments on posts. I am happy to announce that Mr. Dennis

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Single Reviews: August 24, 2006

August 24, 2006 Kevin John Coyne 0

BRAD PAISLEY, “She’s Everything” Every time I think he can’t make a more conscending love song, he surprises me. Is there any woman who’d really be touched by being compared to a pair of running

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Single Reviews: August 17, 2006

August 17, 2006 Kevin John Coyne 8

BOB SEGER, “Wait For Me” Why is this being released to country radio? It’s not even good rock, let alone good country. CAROLYN DAWN JOHNSON, “Love & Negotiation” Why does she sound so shrill? She’s

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Taboo: Prostitution and Country Music

August 11, 2006 Kevin John Coyne 4

Today a new feature debuts that will support the oft-repeated contention that country music deals with real life more deeply than nearly every other genre, with only hip-hop rivaling it in that regard. Taboo will

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