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Steve Earle, “City of Immigrants”

September 22, 2007 Kevin John Coyne 6

“Living in a city of immigrants, I don’t need to go traveling.” Steve Earle has apparently become a New Yorker, and has taken it upon himself to celebrate everything that makes this city great. Celebrations

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Sugarland covers Beyoncé

September 20, 2007 Kevin John Coyne 4

Jonathan from over at Slant gave me the heads up today about this video circulating on YouTube. Apparently Sugarland has been doing quite the unexpected cover song in concert lately: When I first heard “Irreplaceable”,

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Faith Hill, “Red Umbrella”

September 15, 2007 Kevin John Coyne 6

If “Lost” revisited the smoky romance of “Breathe”, “Red Umbrella” is just as reminiscent of Hill’s whimsical pop-country confections “This Kiss” and “If My Heart Had Wings.” Her joy-filled performance and the candy-sweet production come

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Sugarland, “Stay”

September 13, 2007 Kevin John Coyne 29

This their finest single to date.    Jennifer Nettle turns in an achingly vulnerable vocal, with only an acoustic guitar backing her up for most of the song.   “Stay” is the story of the other

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Jypsi, “Love is a Drug”

September 8, 2007 Kevin John Coyne 15

All of the fiery fiddle and the production magic can’t create enough of a distraction from the problems with this record: the song is terrible and the vocals are even worse.   That this is

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