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Gary Allan, Living Hard

October 26, 2007 Kevin John Coyne 3

Gary Allan Living Hard Country music is long on love song singers but short on philosophers. Too many albums released feature interchangeable romances and ruminations, tales of love gone wrong, love gone right and everything

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Carrie Speaks Out

October 18, 2007 Kevin John Coyne 8

Sorry for the delay in posts lately, but here’s something for you to read. Entertainment Weekly scored an in-depth interview with Carrie Underwood on the eve of her sophomore album release. Carnival Ride, according to

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Brad Paisley, “Letter to Me”

October 13, 2007 Kevin John Coyne 14

Putting aside the fact that Alanis Morissette did the same thing with a lot more flair nine years ago on “Unsent”, Brad Paisley’s put out one of the better singles of his career, a welcome

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