The challenge of releasing a song that connects to one specific demographic is that it must possess something that is strong enough to redeem it so that people outside of the chosen demographic can embrace
With four songs from his If You’re Going Through Hell album already reaching the top spot on the country music charts, Rodney Atkins has been enjoying amazing success with his second album. So, his record
100 Greatest Women #85 Gretchen Wilson Never underestimate the power of good timing. When Gretchen Wilson finally landed a recording contract after years of laboring in obscurity, country radio was more hostile to female artists
100 Greatest Women #86 The Forester Sisters In the wake of the massive success of mother-daughter duo The Judds, female family acts experienced something of a mini-boom in the mid-to-late eighties. The most successful of
100 Greatest Women #87 Wilma Lee Cooper When the Grand Ole Opry radio show was finally televised in the eighties, country fans both old and new got a glimpse of the men and women who
Darryl Lee Rush Live From the River Road Icehouse Darryl Lee Rush hails from Markham, a small farming town in South Central Texas. His roots are proudly referenced in his second recording effort entitled Live
I’d be hard-pressed to name a better catalog of country music to choose from for American Idol than Dolly Parton’s. It’s deep with fantastic songs, and she’s recorded them in enough styles for them to
100 Greatest Women #88 Marijohn Wilkin Much like Jeanne Pruett a few years later, Marijohn Wilkin became a successful female songwriter during the days when male domination was near-complete. Cindy Walker and Felice Bryant had
Asked how she feels about her newfound stardom, and the difficulties that come along with it, Taylor Swift told Billboard : Balancing all this is not hard. I mean what do I have to complain
100 Greatest Women #89 Jeanne Pruett Grand Ole Opry legend Jeanne Pruett is often dismissed as a one-hit wonder, despite charting several top ten hits. Such is often the case when an artist records a