Country music is such a male-dominated industry that there is an entire class of male artists who exist just under the radar, often scoring radio hits but rarely an instant add. They may go gold
Josh Turner is singing the praises of Trisha Yearwood, his harmony partner on current single “Another Try”: “I had already asked Trisha face to face if she would come in and sing on this song,”
Today’s entry looks at how some new artists are faring with their albums. James Otto, Sunset Man Release: April 8, 2008 Sales to Date: 246,000 It’s not his first album, as his 2003 debut set
Earlier this month, I received a press release announcing Todd Snider’s upcoming set. Peace Queer, which will be released digitally on August 19. Snider’s a personal favorite of mine, as longtime readers know, and I
This edition looks at how the genre’s superstars are doing with their current records. Carrie Underwood, Carnival Ride Release: October 23, 2007 Sales to Date: 2,218,000 It’s not easy following up a successful debut album,
You have to hand it to Ronnie McDowell. He never misses an opportunity to capitalize on what’s going on in the world around him. He launched his career with “The King is Gone”, a tribute
I don't think I've ever heard Gretchen Wilson rock out quite this much. There's a driving energy to “Don't Do Me No Good” that is relentless, and it helps gloss over the fact that once
From the “It could only happen to Kevin” dep’t… I received an e-mail indicating that I’d gotten the lyrics wrong in my Donna Fargo . In the original review, I’d mistaken the line “This is
Forgive me, but I’m feeling a little sentimental this weekend. I need a good dose of an artist who is a good distance past her commercial peak, but too damn good to be forgotten: Pam
Spinner did a countdown of the 20 Most Killer Songs, meaning songs that involve murder. Naturally, there are some country titles on the list. Johnny Cash is at #1 with “Delia’s Gone” and at #16