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Sarah Buxton, “Space”

October 8, 2008 Kevin John Coyne 17

I have a sneaking suspicion that Sarah Buxton will develop into a songwriter for the ages.   She’s getting there already.  “Space” builds a song around a classic break-up line – “I need space” – and

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Discussion: Satellite Radio

October 7, 2008 Kevin John Coyne 18

My new car came with a three-month free preview of XM Radio, and I am loving it. I’ve always been the type to listen to CD’s in  the car, which evolved into listening to my

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Tim McGraw, Greatest Hits 3

October 7, 2008 Kevin John Coyne 7

Tim McGraw Greatest Hits 3 If it seems that Tim McGraw’s latest hits collection came pretty soon after his last one, you’re not losing track of time.   It was only two and a half years

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A Conversation with Craig Morgan

October 7, 2008 Guest Contributor 5

The country music carousel has taken Craig Morgan on an unpredictable ride since the United States Army veteran began his career in late 1999 on Atlantic Records.  After a five-year stint at Broken Bow Records, he

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The Jealous Heart

October 7, 2008 Dan Milliken 11

Relationships are tricky business. I’ve got to think country music knows that better than any other art form. Here in the real world, we tend to talk about our relationships with others in simple terms:

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Faith Hill, Joy To The World

October 6, 2008 Leeann Ward 10

Faith Hill Joy to the World In the interest of full disclosure, to say that I love all things Christmas is a gross understatement. I’ll put it this way, as much as I love Vince

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