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Song Talk: Papa Don’t Preach!

July 30, 2014 Leeann Ward 28

It’s fun to think of our favorite endearing songs about dads. We’ve even done it here at Country Universe a time or two. But let’s face it, dad’s aren’t always right and they’re not always

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Song Talk: Driving Away

July 24, 2014 Ben Foster 32

There are a lot of great country songs chronicling the breakup of a relationship, but it’s the female characters who have often shown a particular propensity for leaving their lovers by car. Sometimes she changes her mind

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Country Universe Turns 10

July 22, 2014 Kevin John Coyne 14

Ten years ago, in the dog days of Summer 2004, blogging was catching on in the political world.  I thought it would be cool to do a country music and politics blog.  I think it

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Song Talk: Songs About Songs

July 17, 2014 Kevin John Coyne 17

Songs have such a big impact on our life experience that they sometimes inspire songs of their own.  It’s a cool theme that I wish more singers and songwriters would explore. Here are some of

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Song Talk: Music that Moves Me

July 12, 2014 Leeann Ward 10

My local Public Radio station has a wonderful series called Music that Moves Me, which was conceived and originally produced by the inimitable Suzanne Nance who has now (sadly for us, but happily for her)

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Single Review: Brad Paisley, “River Bank”

July 7, 2014 Ben Foster 13

Brad Paisley River Bank

“River Bank”
Brad Paisley

Written by Brad Paisley and Kelley Lovelace

Brad Paisley has become a fairly reliable competitor in country radio’s annual summer song rodeo. He offers a 2014 entry that is listenable and likable, if not as memorable as last year’s “Beat This Summer.”

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