Single Review: Jon Pardi, “Head Over Boots”

September 12, 2015 Leeann Ward 7

Aside from people who don’t mind that country music doesn’t sound like country music anymore, one of the common complaints that we get for our criticism of the current major country music players is that we’re expecting too much and that not every song has to be deep and meaningful.

2015 CMA Nominations

September 9, 2015 Jonathan Keefe 21

Throughout 2015, there have been rumblings of a backlash against the prevailing trends at country radio, and that backlash is certainly reflected in the year’s crop of CMA nominees.

Top Five: Going Home

September 5, 2015 Leeann Ward 23

We’ve recently discussed songs about leaving home, so it only seems right to celebrate that we can always go home again, even if it’s only in our minds or hearts sometimes.

Top Five: Leaving Home

September 4, 2015 Leeann Ward 14

September is upon us, which means that young adults have excitedly headed off to college while parents have sent their babies off to join the world. What are some of your favorite songs about children

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