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Single Review: Taylor Swift feat. The Civil Wars, “Safe & Sound”

February 24, 2012 Dan Milliken 14

Yeah, you’ve probably heard this track by now. But let’s just have a post where we talk about it anyway, y’know?

Because this kind of release begs some blog attention, simply for the fact of what it is: a meeting of highly buzzy but divergent artists, and the first soundtrack cut from a hotly anticipated movie (The Hunger Games, adapted from Book 1 of Suzanne Collins’s mega-popular young-adult series). On paper alone, it’s a reminder of why the award shows optimistically call the duet category “Vocal Event.”

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Single Review: Clay Walker, “Like We Never Said Goodbye”

February 22, 2012 Tara Seetharam 9

As the title suggests, Clay Walker’s latest single plays out like the alternate ending to Faith Hill and Tim McGraw’s fiery “Like We Never Loved At All.” Whereas the latter finds the woman agonizing over her ex moving on, “Like We Never Said Goodbye” tackles a smaller, more predictable range of emotions as its characters rekindle their relationship over wine. On paper, it’s the less interesting road taken.

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