Articles by Leeann Ward

Tracy Lawrence, “Up to Him”
Let me preface this review by disclosing that Tracy Lawrence was among my favorite hit makers in the early to mid-nineties. His voice was gritty and distinctive.
Moreover until the latter part of that decade, his song choices were enjoyable and even solid.
Regrettably, I cannot apply the same praise to his single, “Up to Him”, which is the lead single for his upcoming inspirational album. As has been a looming factor with Lawrence’s career ever since the album following Time Marches On, there is nothing remotely interesting about this song.
While the premise is arguably a legitimate sentiment for a country song, neither the song nor the delivery of it brings anything new or fresh to the oft sung about theme of working hard for one’s family through the strength of God. Instead, we are subjected to blandness that is not sonically or lyrically engaging. Furthermore, Lawrence doesn’t even sound as though he’s especially interested in what he’s singing about either. His voice is still recognizable, but it lacks the charisma it once had, which, incidentally, also happens to be the song’s ultimate downfall.