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Single Reviews: August 29, 2005

August 29, 2005 Kevin John Coyne 0

BILLY DEAN “Race You To The Bottom” (Curb) This is an indictment of the “greed is good” mentality that corrupts, from the perspective of one of those that is corrupted. He overdoes it a bit,

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Single Reviews: August 22, 2005

August 22, 2005 Kevin John Coyne 0

ALAN JACKSON “USA Today” (Arista) Not exactly Alan at his best, but entertaining enough. AMBER DOTSON “I Ain’t Your Mama” (Capitol) A funny little post-honeymoon reflection. BLAKE SHELTON “Nobody But Me” (Warner Bros.) Uh-oh.  I’m

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Single Reviews: August 4, 2005

August 4, 2005 Kevin John Coyne 0

Terri Clark has the best single this time around. BUDDY JEWELL “So Gone” (Columbia) Competent. CATHERINE BRITT & ELTON JOHN “Where We Say Goodbye” (RCA) A satisfying pairing between a pop legend and a country

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Top Twelve Songs about America

July 4, 2005 Kevin John Coyne 2

We’ve been a bit overwhelmed in country music with patriotic songs since 9/11, and many of them have the stench of expolitation, poor taste, or just plain bad songwriting. In my opinion, the best songs

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Single Reviews: June 4, 2005

June 4, 2005 Kevin John Coyne 0

This week, the clear leader of the pack is Sawyer Brown, with their best single in a good decade. CLINT BLACK “Rainbow In The Rain” (Equity) Back in his prime, his name could’ve carried a

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Dwight Yoakam, Blame the Vain

June 4, 2005 Kevin John Coyne 0

Dwight Yoakam Blame The Vain When Dwight Yoakam releases a new album, one thing is certain: you’re going to hear a lot of different variations on the singular theme of heartbreak. In just about every

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Single Reviews: May 21, 2005

May 21, 2005 Kevin John Coyne 1

BRICE LONG “It’s Only Monday” (Columbia) Another new artist. The song is solid, but the production is anemic. BROOKS & DUNN “Play Something Country” (Arista) When the hook is Ronnie Dunn howling like a dog,

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