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Discussion: Video Ruined the Song

September 9, 2008 Kevin John Coyne 7

Music videos can be quite powerful.  The very best intensify the song’s message or reveal new ways to interpret it. Then there are those videos that absolutely ruin the song.  They’re so bad that you

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Discussion: Favorite Soundtrack

September 8, 2008 Kevin John Coyne 19

I was going to be conventional and just pick O Brother Where Art Thou, since it is the most significant movie soundtrack in country music history.   But it would be a bald-faced lie to call

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Taylor Swift, “Love Story”

September 8, 2008 Kevin John Coyne 58

This is essentially a love theme for a cheesy teenybopper movie, minus the movie.   The clunky songwriting isn’t encouraging, given this is the lead single from her upcoming album. It’s a series of been there,

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Comment Policy

September 8, 2008 Kevin John Coyne 3

As of September 8, 2008, we have put an official comment policy into effect.   They are as follows: 1.  Stick to the topic. Discussion on each post should remain relevant to its content. 2.  Speak

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Rodney Crowell, Sex & Gasoline

September 7, 2008 Kevin John Coyne 3

Rodney Crowell Sex & Gasoline Rodney Crowell has long been one of country music’s most prolific and literate songwriters, but in recent years, he’s developed into the genre’s philosopher-king. His probing and thought-provoking work reached

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Rascal Flatts, “Here”

September 2, 2008 Kevin John Coyne 27

Writing a review of this just seems like an exercise in futility. No fans will be won or lost by this performance. If you enjoy listening to “I Melt” “Winner at a Losing Game ”

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