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Tim McGraw, Greatest Hits 3

October 7, 2008 Kevin John Coyne 7

Tim McGraw Greatest Hits 3 If it seems that Tim McGraw’s latest hits collection came pretty soon after his last one, you’re not losing track of time.   It was only two and a half years

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Craig Morgan, Greatest Hits

October 5, 2008 Kevin John Coyne 22

Craig Morgan Greatest Hits After several years with Broken Bow, Craig Morgan has moved on to the Sony BMG family.   As he preps his first release for his new label, his former home takes

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Discussion: Recommend a Track

October 3, 2008 Kevin John Coyne 41

Earlier this evening, I was driving to work with the iPod on shuffle.   On came Rodney Crowell’s “This Too Will Pass”, from his album Fate’s Right Hand.   It was like hearing the song for the

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Discussion: Songs For Hard Times

October 2, 2008 Kevin John Coyne 16

Chet Flippo is wondering when the songs about the current economic crisis will arrive: Is anyone writing soundtrack songs for an America running helplessly headlong toward ruin? I’m not going to attempt to go into

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Discussion: Grammy Wish List

September 30, 2008 Kevin John Coyne 26

Today is the final day of eligibility for the Grammy awards.   Albums and singles must have been released between October 1, 2007 and September 30, 2008 to be considered.   Also, tracks from Vince Gill’s These

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