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Discussion: 21st Century Trio

November 30, 2008 Kevin John Coyne 24

One of the landmarks of Dolly Parton’s career was the Trio album, her platinum-selling collaboration with Linda Ronstadt and Emmylou Harris.   It was one of the few country albums in history to receive a Grammy

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Discussion: Another Saturday Night

November 29, 2008 Kevin John Coyne 11

It’s Saturday night, a good night for going out and having a good time.    Don’t let the naysayers shame you into thinking such partying’s beneath you.    Just heed the words and wisdom of Cal Smith:

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Discussion: Recommend a Track

November 28, 2008 Kevin John Coyne 9

This Sunday we’ll be kicking off Dolly Parton Week at Country Universe, the first in what will be many weekly artist spotlights.   But tonight’s Recommend a Track has Parton in a supporting role, as she

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SHeDaisy, The Best of SHeDaisy

November 28, 2008 Kevin John Coyne 14

SHeDaisy The Best of SHeDaisy Few acts in modern country music have been as unfairly maligned as SHeDaisy.   This trio of sisters are are often villified for their pop-drenched country, but what’s overlooked is just

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Terri Clark, The Definitive Collection

November 28, 2008 Kevin John Coyne 4

Terri Clark The Definitive Collection Universal Music Group continues to lay claim to the strongest single-disc reissue series in country music, as Terri Clark’s The Definitive Collection plays to all of the strengths of this

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Discussion: Country Stuffing

November 27, 2008 Kevin John Coyne 2

What can I say? After two helpings of Thanksgiving dinner, I’m stuffed.    Bursting at the seams.   I squeezed as much as I could possibly squeeze in to one meal and on to one plate. Now

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Winner: Toby Keith Autographed CD Giveaway

November 27, 2008 Kevin John Coyne 5

Congratulations to Steve from Boston, the winner of our Toby Keith autographed CD contest!   Steve’s comment was randomly chosen among all eligible entries using the Random Integer Generator. Steve’s winning entry was about his favorite

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