“I Could Get Used to You”
Written by Sonny LeMaire and J.P. Pennington
#1 (1 week)
March 15, 1986
Exile’s latest No. 1 hit is in the atmospheric vein of their most memorable pop hit, “Kiss You All Over.”
That’s about all that’s interesting here, unless you count the banner image above, where it looks like Freddie Mercury photobombed the band.
I can’t find new ways to say the same thing at this point. Generic lyrics and an unmemorable vocal performance have once again combined to make radio wallpaper, though this one would be better suited on the walls of early eighties AC than mid-eighties country. They’re just stealing from their seventies pop selves instead of from Alabama.
Next, please.
“I Could Get Used to You” gets a D.
Every No. 1 Single of the Eighties
Previous: Don Williams, “We’ve Got a Good Fire Goin'” |
This run of hit singles by Exile may be the decade’s most inexplicable phenomenon.
For a moment, I thought the band stringing seven number one hits in a row must represent something significant until I learned that a bag of Wonder white bread has seventeen slices.