“We Got Fight”
Gary LeVox
Written by Jessi Alexander, Jessie Jo Dillon, and Josh Thompson
Everything wrong with this record is captured in the delivery of one line.
“From our boots to our last names” is the line.
“From our boots to our last N-AA-AY-AYMES” is the delivery.
It wasn’t a great song to begin with. Typical inspirational pablum that doesn’t even meet the already low expectations for “theme song for the week’s inspirational Netflix film.”
But Gary LeVox is so determined to remind us that he can sing that he showboats at the expense of the lyric.
Listen. I don’t mind belting. I could make a good case for Whitney Houston’s cover of “I Will Always Love You” being the greatest recorded performance of all time.
But this is just belting for its own sake, managing to undermine already weak material.
Grade: D
I could not make any case for Whitney Houston’s cover of “I Will Always Love You” being among the 200 greatest recorded performances of all time. That said, I fully agree with your assessment of this record
Yeah, this was pretty much a reminder of why I’m NOT nostalgic for the days when RF were at their peak on the radio. I’m especially with you on the lyrics being so run of the mill. I swear I’ve heard at least a million songs with this theme in the last 15 years or so.
Oh, and I have to agree with Paul that I’ll still take Dolly’s version of “I Will Always Love You” any day of the week. Personal opinion, of course.
The “D” is well deserved.
“So we need to make a song that’s sonically a pastiche of ‘My Wish’. Jessi, Jessie, and Josh, what you got?”
Learning that LeVox (“the voice”) is a stage name the man *chose* made my entire conception of him snap into place. I suspect his entourage is well-conditioned by this point never, *ever* to question his melisma.