“May We All”
Florida Georgia Line featuring Tim McGraw
Written by Rodney Clawson and Jamie Moore
It’s like Tim McGraw is approaching the bouncer at the Credibility Club and saying, “Don’t worry. They’re with me.”
They get in, keep it together for about thirty seconds, and then make complete fools of themselves. Bouncer kicks them out. Tim McGraw left standing there, looking a little bit smaller than he did when he got there.
Florida Georgia Line might have some talent and even some personality, but they just don’t have enough of either to compensate for their astonishingly bad taste. At this point, they should just put a bumper sticker on their tour bus that says, “Make Country Music Great Again” and be done with it.
Grade: D
I had hoped after “Sundown Heaven Town” was released that Tim’s era of decline and self-debasement was over. Maybe not.
Enjoyed the Credibility Club. Good one. Agree with the D rating.
Holy cow, just heard this all the way through for the first time.
“Kind of place…nobody [leaves] cause you miss it too much”. Wait, what…?
“Play the Travis Tritt right above the Tupac.” And here I thought Luke’s Conway/T-Pain mixtape was bad…
And I’m sure there’re some equally terrible lyrics in McGraw’s verse, but to be honest I can barely understand half of it. A “D” sounds about right.
Play the Travis Tritt right above the Tupac.
Oh, that again? How original.
In all seriousness, am I the only one who thinks the constant namedropping of the country and hip-hop artists in what seems like every other song by so many artists has gotten to be rather tiring? I mean, sure, you’ll find Rush and Iron Maiden in my iTunes library right along with Merle Haggard and Jason Boland, but if as a singer/songwriter I mentioned it as often as these people do, it would get old fast. It has here as well.
If you like Lynyrd Skynyrd on the radio, let me know and I’ll sing you “Free Bird.” I like Johnny Cash, Grandmaster Flash, I’m name droppin’ like you never heard…
And besides that, it’s just so incredibly inauthentic, at least coming from the likes of Florida-Georgia Line — because while I can’t really speak for anyone else, I have a very difficult time believing that FGL really listens to Merle Haggard, the Rolling Stones, or Travis Tritt to any significant extent. There’s so little influence from those artists in their “music” that it might as well not even exist. Seriously, what’s the point of doing that?
Yes, the name-dropping is indeed old. In fact, it wore out its welcome ages ago for me.