Single Review: Luke Bryan, “Kick the Dust Up”

Luke Bryan Kick the Dust Up

“Kick the Dust Up”
Luke Bryan

Written by Dallas Davidson, Chris DeStefano, and Ashley Gorley

I actually kinda like Luke Bryan.  But I still hated this song before the first twenty seconds were up.

He sounds like he’s deliberately dimming his own talents, trying to get down to the Jason Aldean level when he’s got the chops to strive for Conway Twitty.

I keep thinking that there’s no new way to do this same old theme of partying down in the cornfields.

Perhaps there’s just no new way to do it well.   I’m struggling to remember any of the old ways they did it well, either.

This record is terrible.  Just terrible.

Grade: F


  1. Well, you know it’s an instant red flag when the name Dallas Davidson is in the songwriting credits. Aldean may be responsible for the record itself, but Dallas Davidson, who says he only writes about what he knows about, obviously never heard the maxim said by the late, great Ken Kesey: “Don’t write what you know about, write what you don’t know about.”

  2. I just googled “luke bryan kick the dust up” and the first article I found was by The Guardian. It most definitely supports Kevin’s grade F. LB’s only motivation for recording this garbage is that he knows it’s a $ure hit. It’s about the money.

  3. Luke’s entertainer of the year. He needs to represent country music and this? Well back to listening to the other artists I like.

    Do you guys plan on reviewing Kelsea Ballerini debut album. Please!

  4. Occasionally, we will “suspend” a song when it comes out so awful that we think it will hurt us with our intelligent listeners. It’s kinda like a site mod who thinks your latest comment should be “held for review.”
    If CC wants to jam this song into listeners’ ears, so be it. Chances are, no one will miss it.

  5. I 100% agree with your review when I heard the song it disappointed me because this is case where the talents of the artist out shine the talents of the writer.

  6. ^Really! Really! I’m just shocked you say that this songs garbage and Like doesn’t even sound fun at least Kacey sounds like she’s having fun in some of her songs or she captures the right emotion. Honestly why do you hate Kacey.

  7. You know, it’s just sad. I recently listened to Luke Bryan’s “Tailgates and Tanlines” album…and truthfully…it’s not a bad album. Yeah, there is the occasional trainwreck like “Country Girl (Shake it For Me)”…but there’s more on that album that I like than material that I don’t, and it sounds like Luke Bryan was really trying to make a good album there.

    I can’t pretend that Luke Bryan is my favorite artist, but like Kevin, I do kind of like the guy. Bryan has an easygoing carefree personality, and this is just trying way too hard to be aggressive/in your face (ala Jason Aldean/FGL). It’s not just that the material has been done, but the melody sucks, and there’s literally no flow to the lyrics…it’s like you’re listening to a dirge. More importantly…it just doesn’t feel like this song fits him at all. Even songs as idiotic as “That’s My Kind of Night” or the aforementioned “Country Girl (Shake it for Me)” seem to fit Bryan’s goofy personality, regardless of their quality. The production on this just makes it seem too “self-serious.” As said earlier in the comments, it’s a waste of talent, and sad to watch a decent mainstream-country artist fall to this level of quality in 2-3 years.

  8. Terrible song by a terrible artist. Please go away Luke Bryan, you have contributed nothing but rot to the history of Country music.

  9. I don’t know if country radio will be any better in a decade or two, but I can say that people will look back and realize how awful or cheesy the majority of Luke Bryan’s music was. Songs like “Country Girl (Shake It For Me),” “That’s My Kind of Night,” and “Kick the Dust Up” have no longevity whatsoever, other than being used to mock this era of country music. Even his better songs like “Drunk on You” and “Play It Again” are too cheesy to be enjoyable. I hate to be too critical of Luke Bryan because he’s a Georgia boy and he seems like a genuinely nice guy, but this is awful.

  10. Hate Kacey? Where did you get that? Because I don’t like her songs? Sure, most of Bryan’s songs are stupid, but at least he is not pretending he is better than me.

    Besides, I don’t waste my time hating an artist. It is unhealthy and plain foolish. Why should I hate an artist? They don’t know who I am and my hypothetical hatred couldn’t harm their careers. I’m not a critic or music row executive.

  11. Why critique these songs? This is obviously not your kind of music, so of course you’re going to “Hate” this music. There are country artists out there that should appeal to the “Purist” inside . The wonderful Ray Scott, Chris Stapleton, indie artist Chris Jansen and newbie Mo Pitney to name a few. But, than there would be no one to bitch about. And you people just can’t get enough of that. Don’t like the song, don’t listen. Don’t like the artist, don’t listen. Simple as that. But then, you’all will have so much free time on your hands and I’m sure blame Luke Bryan for that as well!!!

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