Single Review: Thompson Square, “Trans Am”

Thompson Square Trans Am

“Trans Am”
Thompson Square

Written by Nathan Chapman, Blair Daly, Kiefer Thompson, and Shawna Thompson

Dude really loves his car.  Like, the way Sam Winchester loves his car.

“Trans Am” has a lot of energy and it’s a credit to Thompson Square that they don’t get lost in the shuffle of a very busy production.

They remain in the driver’s seat the whole way through. (Get it? Because it’s a song about a car?)

So my humor is about as subtle as this song, but I’d call the song the more successful of the two. It’s not going to set the world on fire or be played at weddings or funerals. But it’s entertaining, and it has more personality than most of what’s on the radio today.  A healthy dose of self-awareness goes a long way.

Good enough, I’d say.

Grade: B


  1. A new and innovate concept. Instead of riding around with bae in his truck, he rides around with her… In his CAR! The production is downright awful. It took 4 co-writers to come up with the most banal lyrics. A D-

  2. Honestly this song reminds me of Lady A Freestyle no that’s not a compliment this songs essentially to me a song about nothing has no hook no melody this is safe bro-country and NO just cause this has a female in it doesn’t excuse it’s awful nothing remotely country or heck even good

    Grade D.

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