Album Review: Brad Paisley, Moonshine in the Trunk

Brad Paisley Moonshine in the Trunk

Brad Paisley
Moonshine in the Trunk


Paisley’s last four albums have established a pattern of something slightly progressive or challenging (American Saturday Night, Wheelhouse) followed by a course-correction back toward baseline (This is Country Music, Moonshine in the Trunk).

While Paisley took some risks— not all of which were well-conceived or well-executed— on Wheelhouse, Moonshine in the Trunk is a far safer effort that avoids setting off any accidental pop-culture outrage cycles but that wants for moments of real inspiration.He capitulates to radio trends with the rhythm tracks on “Crushin’ It” and “Limes,” and the wry wit that is as much his trademark as his chicken-plucked Telecaster riffs comes across as forced on “High Life” and “River Bank.”

Moonshine certainly isn’t a bad album by any stretch, but Paisley’s best work is freewheeling and effortless.

Recommended Tracks: “Crushin’ It,” “Moonshine in the Trunk,” “4WP”