Single Review: Florida Georgia Line, “Sun Daze”

Florida Georgia Line Anything Goes“Sun Daze”

Florida Georgia Line

Written by Cary Barlowe, Sarah Buxton, Jesse Frasure, Tyler Hubbard, and Brian Kelley

Apparently, this is the real second single from Florida Georgia Line’s new album.  “Anything Goes”, which we reviewed last month, was just a promotional single to preview the album.

I didn’t think it was possible for the real second single to be worse than that record.

“Sun Daze” is much, much worse than that record.

I wrote that “Anything Goes” was beyond parody, but listening to “Sun Daze”, I kept thinking back to those parody music videos that used to pop up on In Living Color and MadTV.   A comedy writer couldn’t mock Florida Georgia Line better than they’re mocking themselves here.

At this point, I’m just wondering if they’re evenin on the joke.   Nobody could be quite this earnest and sincere while trolling their own audience, right?

Grade: F


  1. On one of my brief times of listening to radio, this song came on and when it finished, the DJ said, “I’m so obsessed with this song. I love it.”

  2. In the song Tyler Hubcap (the long-haired, not-as-usless one who just stands stiff like a dope in music videos) sings the opening line about who he is going to have Merle Haggard on with some hip-hop while he plays a game of flip cup. That has to be the most unbelievable line ever sung in country music history.

    Then, several lines later, he talks about how (through the use of the worst metaphor in the history of the English language) he wants to stick his male sexual organ into his girlfriends female sexual organ. He refers to her sexual organ as a drink and his as a pink umbrella. This is one of those lines that should get you banned from songwriting for life. Whoever wrote that cheap metaphor should just put down the pen now and never pick it up again. If that’s who the song-writer values women then I’d want him not within a continent of my niece, cousins or female friends.

    All-in-all this song as about as big a dumpster fire as you could light in Nashville. Florida-Georgia Line is like that tire yard on the Simpsons that is always on fire and can’t be put out, no matter how hard you try. This song and the usual amount of lyrical descriptions (when used to describe a typical Florida-Georgia Line song) don’t fit well enough here. Moronic, trite, vapid, shallow, disgusting, horrible, atrocious, painful. They don’t work. I thin Florida-Georgia Line have officially managed to break the English language with the lyrics in this song. One can only hope that with time and effort, Webster’s can put out the fire and repair the damaged brand that is English.

  3. On a side note seeing Sarah Buxton’s name associated with the writing of this crime against music is one of the most depressing things I’ve seen lately!!

  4. I like your “trolling” comment. sun daze could be a song played by a teenager who hates his parents and wants to drive them crazy.

    I was scrolling down through all the CU single reviews for 2014 and didn’t find one song that I felt I have to have. That’s why I’ve been playing a lot of my music from the late 50’s, 60’s and 70’s – Everly Brothers, Chad Mitchell Trio, the Righteous Brothers, Don McLean, Jim Croce, John Denver, the Eagles, etc.

  5. The song has an awesome instrumental section.

    For some reason, I keep listening to FGL, even when I know that they are literally degrading to everything about country music. Their sound is darn catchy and they sing with passion.
    5 writers for this song? LOL

    Even I caught on to the umbrella sex joke and when I catch on to a sexual joke, you know that the intent was sexual.

  6. Remember when CMT banned Garth Brooks’ ” The Thunder Rolls” because of the subject matter. Now talking about drug use and easy sex is encouraged and supported. Maybe I am old but country music is no longer the domain of adults. Just teenage girls and middle -aged men singing about immature, reckless things. Makes Conway Twitty’s ” I’d Love To Lay You Down” seem almost like a Disney song.

  7. What’s even sadder and more depressing is this song is pretty much indicative of what comprises the album as a whole. Depressing not because I’d ever expect more, but because literally every possible remaining single on the album will be just like this and continue to make country radio unlistenable.

  8. This is a two part story

    Part One – if you heard this melody in the background, maybe in a bar or restaurant ,without paying attention to the lyrics, this sounds okay, neither better nor worse than most of the radio-friendly fodder on the radio.

    Part Two – it’s not background music and you are actually listening to the lyrics, and they are really dumb lyrics – maybe not the worst you’ve ever hard, but strong contenders for the title.

    I’d give it a split grade C+ as background music / F- is you are listening for content

  9. What is truly terrible is that this one pair of “dudes” in particular, and this whole sickening “bro country” movement in general, is really giving a black eye to country music in ways that Nashville Sound, the Urban Cowboy, and even Garth Brooks at his most arena-spectacular, could never do combined. I really fear for the genre now, and certainly its credibility.

  10. When will this horribleness stop. “Dirt” actually made me think these guys could put out a decent song but then we get this……

  11. Well it’s just the kind of thing that would cause me not to want to see this half-a**ed combination of rap, hick-hop, loud arena rock, and what allegedly is supposed to pass for country nowadays that FGL and Jason Aldean represent in person. It’s almost….well, is soft-porn too strong a term to use now?

  12. Still better than “Ready Set Let’s Roll.”

    That’s the all-time peak of terribleness. At least FGL put some personality and passion into their inane lyrics.

    I actually prefer this to “Dirt,” as well. Dirt was meaningless nonsense that desperately pretended to be about something. This is meaningless nonsense about a lost day in the summer.

  13. About 20 years ago, we had a discussion at the RAB conference among program directors and the topic was whether rap would become as settled in music as big band was for that generation. The answer was a unanimous, “yes.”
    Well, guess what? We are now hearing from our next generation in country music. Music research shows these guys are popular with low burn scores. They will be around for a while.
    I suggest naproxin because tylenol is hard on the body.

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