Single Review: Luke Bryan, “Play it Again”

Luke Bryan Play it AgainTrite an uninspired, “Play it Again” is a Luke Bryan record without any of the  aw-shucks earnestness that can make even his mediocre songs somewhat enjoyable.

Not much more to say than that, other than “songs about songs” are one of my favorite categories of songs, but this isn’t one of the better ones.  There are a lot of great ones, but that’s another post.

Written by Dallas Davidson and Ashley Gorley.

Grade: C-



  1. Totally get where you’re coming from, but I actually like the approach. How many of us have had a song at the beginning of a relationship? I thought it was a clever device, and I picked it to be a single the first time I heard the album. Over six months later and I’m still not sick of it.

  2. I also like songs about songs, “The Song Remembers When”, etc. This one I probably won’t remember in a day or two. I certainly won’t be buying it.

  3. I’ve mostly never been a fan of songs about songs and this one does nothing to change my mind.

    Has anybody else noticed how country singles have become advertisements for country radio? It seems like every hit song released these days mentions listening to the radio. This one, “Helluva Life,” “Doin’ What She Likes,” “Round Here,” “Chillin’ It,” “I Drive Your Truck” “I Don’t Want This Night To End,” “Highway Don’t Care,” and of course, “Radio.”

    It’s as though, to get on radio programmers’ good side, artists purposely make the radio seem cool in their singles.

  4. I like Luke but I agree about the song. The line that makes me cringe is “and here it is”. Horrible song. But the music (and who is singing)will give this another #1.

  5. I agree with your rating. That said, in general I’m not a Luke fan. I don’t dislike him, I just don’t think he’s “great”.

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