Single Review: Blake Shelton, “Mine Would Be You”

Blake Shelton Mine Would Be YouWhat a twist!

Blake Shelton’s new single is a slow-paced love song that hits all the usual notes, in the omnipresent list format that makes me think that Mad Libs is the most popular game in Nashville song publishing houses these days.  It would be one of those forgettably mundane, mundanely forgettable radio filler numbers if it wasn’t for the surprising twist in the last verse and chorus.

See, it’s not a love gone right song.  It’s a love gone wrong song, and Shelton’s been in mourning for this once in a lifetime love the whole time!  What a twist!

It’s not exactly “He Stopped Loving Her Today”, but as surprise endings go, it’s a good one.  Makes the song a bit better suited for repeated plays.  How many Blake Shelton songs can we say that about these days?

Written by Jessi Alexander, Connie Harrington, and Deric Ruttan

Grade: B



  1. I don’t love it, but it’s the only Blake Shelton single I’ve liked even a little bit since “Who Are You When I’m Not Looking.” The production is surprisingly restrained.

  2. When I first saw this song on the album I was expecting a more “God Gave Me You” style of song. Complete with filler lyrics, bombastic electric guitars and synthesized musical effects. What I got once I listened to it was indeed a welcome surprise and change of pace. I’m with Ben in that I don’t love it by any means.

    There are two songs on the album that I do love, well like a lot. Those would be “Frame of Mine” and “I Found Someone”. Since those are bonus tracks though the odds are next to none that they’d be released as singles. “Mine Would Be You” doesn’t blow me away but it does enough to be a song that wouldn’t cause me to flip the station when it comes on. It is certainly better than the usual Blake Shelton fare anyways.

    Now, about those bonus tracks, who can I speak with at Warner Music to get everything Blake records to sound like “Frame of Mine” and “I Found Someone”?

  3. It saddens me that this isn’t the lead single on an album, when they’d rather put out “Sure Be Cool if You Did” (which is essentially “Felt Good on My Lips” sung by a less cool person) and “Boys Round Here.”

    His voice is perfect for the song. I can imagine Rascal Flatts ruining it, and I can’t fathom taking Luke Bryan seriously if he tried his hand. I wish Joe Nichols would get this type of material…. oh wait, his label whiffed on releasing “Who Are You When I’m Not Lookin.” Oh Nashville, you terrify me sometimes.

  4. I can’t speak for anyone else, but I’m not rooting for Blake to fail. In fact, I keep listening to each of his albums, hoping I’ll find a couple of good tracks still. I know what he’s capable of doing, based on his great albums produced by Bobby Braddock and I just keep waiting for him to reach those hights again someday. Of course, it really just seems that his goal is to reach commercial hights rather than artistic hights right now, but there’s always tomorrow, right?

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