Single Review: Randy Rogers Band, "One More Sad Song"

One more bad song, really.

I get that all those eighties hair bands had the big guitars come in at the chorus when they tackled the ballads.  I also realize that for them, impassioned yelling was how a rocker showed he truly felt what he was singing.

But eighties hair bands relied heavier on noise and hairspray than subtlety and melody.  That was their right.  They were reasonable facsimiles of

rock bands.

Country bands have no excuse.  “One More Sad Song” is nothing more than a monster ballad minus the Aqua Net, and without those aerosol fumes around to cloud judgment, it’s easily exposed as a hollow, soulless record.

This mess of a single is being advertised by its label as being in the same league as “Hello Darlin'”, “He Stopped Loving Her Today”, and…”Need You Now”:

Good to know that MCA Nashville is as clueless as to what makes for a great country song as Randy Rogers Band seem to be.

Written by Sean McConnell and Randy Rogers

Grade: D



  1. Yeah… these guys have put out stuff in the past that I’ve enjoyed (particularly “Steal You Away” in 2010), but I don’t like this at all.

    To me, the chorus sounds almost exactly like Blake Shelton’s “Over” – another record I greatly dislike.

  2. What this song has done is remind me to play a bunch of really good sad songs – in the middle of an excellent playlist now, made up of those from the image above.

  3. Good to know that MCA Nashville is as clueless as to what makes for a great country song as Randy Rogers Band seem to be.

    Kevin, I don’t know if this song is as bad as you say it is — can’t play it right now as the Internet connection is a bit iffy — but even assuming that it is, the RRB has put out some pretty good, solid country before this. I wouldn’t call them clueless.

    (Sort of apropos of that, there’s a video somewhere on YouTube of Randy Rogers singing the Steve Wariner classic “Some Fools Never Learn” with just his guitar. Pretty fantastic stuff.)

  4. Wow. I just noticed that they list “Don’t Take the Girl” as one of the best sad songs of all time. Yep, MCA’s clueless all right – or maybe those folks just really need to listen to some more sad songs.

  5. Yeah, this song is pretty much as Kevin described it. It sounds like a power ballad and far removed from what I’ve heard from them before. Randy’s normally charmingly ragged voice is even totally processed or something here. Ugh.

  6. Your review is pathetic. This isn’t typical RRB stuff, but damn…it’s good!! I’ve seen him perform it twice live and the crowd goes wild. Get with it, the crap that comes out of Nashville is just that…CRAP. This is raw, pure soul, and REAL. Nashville should take notes, Texas Country is taking the country by storm. BOOM!!

  7. I personally find this just as bad as what’s coming out of Nashville. I don’t hear a significant difference at all – just bad songwriting, bad production, and ill-advised vocal effects.

  8. Just got home from a RRB concert 5,000 fans strong and I gotta say the San Antonio crowd went crazy when they played this song. I am a hardcore fan and have been since their first album and can tell you the concerts are always packed with fans singing every word along with the band. I agree with the person who says the stuff out of Nashville is crap, come on most songs by Carrie Underwood, Taylor Swift and others are so pop its crazy. This song may not be everyone’s cup of tea but true fans can appreciate it. Before you judge RRB make sure you know what this band is made of and that’s heart and love for their fans. Texas is proud to have such talent and no matter what critics say the fans who continue to show up and grow and grow and grow in size are all that really matters! Keep rocking RRB your fans love you dearly!

  9. I have loved RRB since the very start. This song is different in some ways from the early roots songs, but this song is equal in all rights, as its well written, from the heart, and I love it. As a guitarist, its a great riff and effect against the violin. Learn to listen and grow with an artist and stop the hating! RRB RULES.

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