Song #6: Silent Night
Cherish the Ladies
In my opinion, “Silent Night” is the most beautiful of all Christmas carols. Here, the traditional Celtic band does a lovely interpretation of it, sung in both English and Gaelic. Former lead singer Heidi Talbot has a simply stunning voice, and the Ladies’ On Christmas Night is a worthwhile purchase for anyone who likes and few jigs and reels mixed in with their Christmas standards. – Sam

House of Heroes
I happened upon this version thanks to Amazon’s 25 Days of free Christmas downloads, but I don’t know anything about House of Heroes beyond this song. Incidentally, however, their rendition has turned out to be my favorite version of “Silent Night” because of the relaxed vibe. Being somewhat of an audiophile, I especially appreciate the crisp separation of the vocals and instruments of the production that becomes more evident as the track builds and progresses. – Leeann
Alan Jackson has a version of this song on his Let It Be Christmas album that’s really, really well done. If you haven’t heard his rendition, you’re missing out.
I heard Taylor Swift’s version of Silent Night on radio the other morning and it was the abolute worst version I’ve ever heard. Let It Be Christmas by Alan Jackson is just awesome!!