Twelve Songs of Christmas: Day Three

Song #3: Jingle Bells

Raul Malo

This fiery version does what this song is meant to do; it puts me in a festive mood. I love the jaunty, jazzy production and Malo leans into the song as intensely as he does any song that he sings. – Leeann

Crash Test Dummies

Or “Scary Jingle Bells,” as my kids call it. Leave it to this quirky Canadian folk group to turn a joyous, bouncy song like this into an accordion-driven battle dirge. Thanks to Brad Roberts, who’s one of the few people who can make Trace Adkins sound like a castrato, this version of “Jingle Bells” sounds more like a slaying song than a sleighing song. – Sam

Next: Day Four, “White Christmas”


  1. I’m gonna have to go with the Suzy Bogguss version as my favorite version of this song! She does really good Christmas music!

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