Worth Reading: The Launch of Engine 145

Hark! I have exciting news for those of us who have been feeling a great void ever since the disbandment of The 9513! While we will continue to miss the esteemed country music blog, with Brady & Brody Vercher’s blessings, Engine 145 has just been launched to sort of take its place, or at least complement what The 9513 had begun.

Aside from its undeniably cool name, the even more awesome thing is that Engine 145 will be run by accomplished and respected country music critic, Juli Thanki, who just so happens to be one of my personal favorite country music writers. She will be joined by several of our old favorites from The 9513 as well.

I don’t know about all of you, but ever since The 9513 ceased operation, I have felt like I’ve had to work way too hard to discover good country music. I kept telling myself, “It shouldn’t be this hard.” And alas, it won’t be any longer. While our bank accounts might be a little emptier again, I’m unshakably excited to welcome Engine 145 to the blogosphere. I hope all of you will too.


  1. And Worth Noting: The little blurb before you comment says: “We want Engine 145 to be a safe and fun place where everyone is welcome to post. While differences in opinion and debate are always welcome, comments that include personal attacks on other posters, threats of physical violence, or racial/political/sexual epithets will be edited or deleted.”


  2. I’m very excited about this. Juli has always been one of my favorite blog writers. I’m glad to see she’s created a new outlet for her awesomeness!

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