Retro Single Review: Tim McGraw, “Two Steppin’ Mind”

1993 | Peak: #71

The first two singles from Tim’s debut album had their good points. This one doesn’t.

See, there was this whole line dancing fad in the early nineties, and it wasn’t enough to just record songs that you could dance to. You had to record songs about dancing, most of which didn’t make you want to dance. It’s a bit like all those songs today about being from the country that don’t sound country.

By 1993, Twister Alley had already taken this meta mentality to its logical conclusion with “Dance”, while this one sounded tame and lame upon arrival.

When you’re comparing unfavorably to Twister frickin’ Alley, you’re in trouble.

Written by Buddy Brock and John Northrup

Grade:  D

Listen:  Two Steppin’ Mind