Phil Vassar, “Everywhere I Go”

PhilVSomewhere underneath “Everywhere I Go” is a great song, but to find it, you have to dig a little too deep. The song’s pleasing melody and bittersweet lyrics –Vassar sings of haunting, lingering memories of a lost love– are coated with layers of dramatic, distracting production. Even the conviction Vassar brings to the song starts to feel slightly artificial when he pushes his vocals over the top in the chorus, the most off-putting aspect of the song.

It’s just one of those songs that begs for a scrub down. I suspect an acoustic version of this song would be infinitely more poignant, interesting and distinct – qualities Vassar has effectively encompassed in numerous songs in his career.

Written by Jeffrey Steele & Phil Vassar

Grade: C+

Listen: Everywhere I Go



  1. Agreed.

    On his voice: I like it, but he doesn’t seem to have the capacity to push his vocal limits without really sounding like he’s straining.

  2. I’m still looking forward to the release of ‘Traveling Circus’ next week, and I like the video for “Everywhere I Go”, too!

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