Rodney Atkins, “15 Minutes”

AtkinsAtkins’ latest single is pure, straight-up fun without being hokey or over-the-top – a tricky thing to do in country music. Against a pleasing, honky-tonk arrangement, Atkins delivers a clever hook about a misguided attempt at giving up smoking, women and drinking, resulting in the worst 15 minutes of his life. It’s simply a well-crafted bar sing-a-long that doesn’t take itself too seriously:

“Well you could get hit by a truck tomorrow
So you might as well raise a little hell tonight.”

“15 Minutes” is the kind of song that could easily feel artificial in the hands of a less distinct artist, but it seems to suit Atkins both musically and vocally, and he in turn makes the song believable. He’s not forcing you to join the fun – his performance is fun.

Written by Tony Mullins and Jamie Lee Thurston.

Grade: B+

Listen: 15 Minutes



  1. While I’m afraid this song isn’t going to stick in my memory, I give it tons of credit for being straight up neotraditional country

  2. Well I think this is a true song and fun…I think you never know when your time is going to come so you should always enjoy life and be yourself not what others want you to be….

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