Delurking Day

shadowI’ve randomly read on various blogs (not having to do with country music) that it’s National Delurking Month. While I’m uncertain that such a thing is anything official, I thought this would be a cool thing for us to do here at Country Universe.

We are very pleased with the level of participation at Country Universe. We actively attempt to provide an environment where you feel comfortable enough to share your thoughts and knowledge regarding our favorite kind of music, which, of course, is country music.

We are incredibly grateful for those of you who faithfully comment and engage other readers in discussions around here. In fact, in case you haven’t noticed, we love to join in as well.

According to our blog statistics, however, we are aware that there many of you who read but do not comment. This, of course, makes perfect sense, since commenting isn’t for everyone. But this is where the delurking comes in. Tonight, I invite you to reveal yourselves—whether you are a frequent Country Universe participant or a faithful lurker. We greatly appreciate both.

In the comments section, please tell us who you are, how long you’ve been a reader and/or commenter and which feature first attracted you to this site. Thank you all for being a part of the Country Universe community. Let the delurking begin!


  1. Shoot, guys, someone has to start. I’m CMW, I’ve been a reader for 6 months or so, and the feature that first attracted me to the site was Leeann’s outreach efforts on seemingly every other country blog.

    Now you go.

  2. I’m Russ. I think I started reading this two years ago or so, not totally sure. I really sort of stumbled upon it and have used it as a resource to find other blogs.

  3. I’m Joe/Joseph. I am a college student at Northwestern University in Chicago. I can’t remember exactly when I started reading Country Universe, but I’m pretty sure it’s been over a year and a half. I check the site a couple times a day, but only comment from time to time. It’s a great distraction from studying for finals or writing term papers…

  4. Ooh, I’m going to get in here early-ish so that I can be the first to make the lame “Hi, I’m dudley, and I’m a Country Universe addict” quip!

    I think I’ve been reading here for nearly two years, maybe more. I believe I became a regular reader sometime after Kevin posted a slew of digital download numbers for artists in the genre, including the Dixie Chicks (for “Not Ready to Make Nice”) and Carrie Underwood. I read through some archived posts here after that, and found that Kevin’s tastes overlapped with mine a fair amount (though I quickly discovered I have a good deal more indulgence for Brad Paisley than he does!). But more importantly, I dug his engaging and thoughtful writing and found myself learning from his flashback posts.

    Reading around this here Interweb, my impression is that it is difficult to keep a community (whether we’re talking a message board or a blog) from becoming a self-conscious caricature of itself after an initial, say, yearlong (or two year long) burst of vitality. What impresses me a lot about Country Universe is that it has so far avoided that fate, not least because of the addition of Blake, Dan, Leeann and Lynn who, like this site’s originator, are accessible and knowledgeable writers who do a great job giving context on the artist and also their own predilections, without making themselves the center of the review. The biggest accomplishment of the writers, though, is that they treat their posts as the -starting- point for an even-handed exchange of views, not as the start and end of discussion. They set a great example for being passionate without confusing the strength of one’s beliefs for their ‘correctness.’ As a consequence, CU has become a place where it’s actually rewarding to read the comments that follow a blog entry.

    So yes, kudos and thanks to all here. And I hope I haven’t jinxed this place by fawning all over it.

  5. Well, I’m Chris.

    I found CU through the 9513, and I think I’ve been reading for a year and a half, but I honestly don’t know. I just started reading because I was bored, and it caught on!

    This blog and the other blogs around have inspired me to blog myself, so that’s great, I hope. xD I try to do as good of a job as they do here, so I try my best!

  6. I’m Linda. I’ve been reading for a few months (don’t remember exactly which month I started coming here). What keeps me coming back is the question at the end of each post asked to the readers, which means *we can participate too*!! Like anyone else, I like to share my opinions/likes/dislikes about a certain subject.

  7. Oh, and I also keep coming back here because the writers update the blog daily.

    And to nitpick, there isn’t a question asked at the end of EVERY post, but some are.

  8. I’m Matt…I am a….oh wait, that’s for another forum/place…
    Anywho, I am the Editor of and used to blog @ The Lost Highway. I found this blog a couple of years ago prior to doing my own blog. I’ve written for various places for 10 years though.

  9. I’m Kelly. I originally found this site through CMT’s blog and have been reading for about a year. The 100 greatest women feature is what really hooked me. I think it’s great how this blog and others focus on more than just what’s on the radio.

  10. Great Idea. New Year, new faces and a new fresh start.

    Anyway, I’m Greg (The M is my last name initial, but since there is already another Greg here, that’s why I included it) and I’ve been a reader here for 2 and a half years and a poster here for the last few months. I really do enjoy the insight into the genre from the people around here, whether it’s from a writer of this site (All of which whom do a great job) to the posters. There aren’t many places where I can go and talk about Country music and not feel ashamed about it, so that was one of the reasons I started actually posting here. As for reading, I think what drew me into this site was the single reviews and the links to actually here the songs. I’ve learned about a lot of new artists and I’ve started going to read the other boards like Roughstock, Country Music Central, and the 9513.

    I’m from California (Bay Area) and we have 2 country music stations here. I’m finding though it’s getting really hard to listen to those stations on a regular basis. I do like Country Music variety (Am I the only one who likes songs like Holler Back, which I thought was quite fun, and She’s Country) I get a sense that Country Music on the Radio is turning into Current Disney crud. Now, I like Disney, but that was before High School Musical or Miliey Cyrus. Now we have groups like Rascal Flatts and Taylor Swift who are clogging up the airwaves. Because of the Radio stuff, I like coming here to learn about new songs, read single reviews and hear those songs (Can we get more single reviews, like The Zac Brown Band’s new one which I really like?). Looking forward to another good year talking about Country Music with you all.

  11. I’m Vanessa and I’m from Canada, I stumble upon you guys from your 100 Greatest Women, blog, and kept coming back ever since. I like it here more so than other blogs which I don’t usually post on because, there isn’t constint arguements, things don’t get nasty.

    The writer’s and the blogger’s seem to be educated and insiteful with there posts, and I like that I can learn something new from people. I really enjoy the writer’s style of writing for the articles and topics, they don’t get boring and they are they are current with all that is happening now and in the past at the same time.

    thanks for making a good blog site to come to.

  12. Hey everybody….I’m Caroline from North Carolina…

    Last October I came across the “Favorite Songs by Favorite Artists” for the Dixie Chicks article while I was searching for new songs…I read the blog everyday, and it’s great to see so many people with similar taste as me (dislike Rascal Flatts, love Sugarland, Dixie Chicks, Gary Allan, Jamey Johnson, and old school country)

  13. Hey I’m Jordan Stacey, I’m 18 years old and have been a reader since January 2007. I don’t remember how I found the site but I check it probably more often than I should. I love the site because my tastes seem to overlap a lot with what’s written here. I also enjoy the new writers that were added last year(especially Dan sorry Leeann, Blake and Lynn). I hope there’s a 100 greatest men of country music sometime in the future (and maybe group/duo?).

  14. i’m scott. I’ve been reading and commenting no this blog for a year, maybe 2 now. I’m a college student at kent state. I found this blog in a magazine..i think country weekly.

  15. I’m Lani, have been reading for probably about a year and a half, if not longer, found this blog through the 9513 – but not truly a lurker, since I do post often enough – like it here because most of the people here have similar enough tastes to mine, but then again I have found some great new music because of people on here — have been listening to country music in some form or fashion my entire life, whether forced on me by my parents or by choice.

  16. I’m Chris (as the handle suggests). I discovered CU through The 9513 and I’ve been reading for … I don’t remember how long. I’m a music journalist in Nashville, Tennessee.

  17. I’m Pete and I’ve been reading this blog since it was on wordpress, however long ago that was. I’ve been in broadcasting for 22 years (started when I was 8 LOL) and live outside Toronto Ontario. I dig the variety of opinions found here (and on the9513) and waste far too many precious working hours on these damn things. So thanks for making it worthwhile!

  18. I’m Chad (obviously), and I’ve been reading for close to 2 years now, I think.

    I was born and raised In TX and on country music, but have wide-ranging music taste (and not much of a taste for what’s on country radio today). I’m a big fan of the site, but I only post every once in a while.

  19. I’m Paul W, probably the oldest (or one of the oldest) of the regular lurkers, and one of the most traditional in my tastes in music, be it country, classic pop or jazz (my other great listening interest). A few years back I was a very frequent participant here but (1) I quit listening to country radio and therefore miss a lot of the newest sludge from Nashville, and (2) this website has taken a more decidedly contemporary slant. While I don’t comment as often, I still look at this site (almost) daily and sometimes check out the music recommended here.

    It’s a great website – one of about ten that I frequent (The 9513 is the only other country music website that I frequent). I think that Kevin has done a masterful job of assembling his crew

  20. Paul – I might beat you on age — sometimes I think I am older than everyone on here….except maybe JHD…

  21. Aw, I’m only 39 Lani. ;-)

    I enjoy your history posts over at The 9513 Paul. It’s nice to stay connected with the past. You do a fine job with those and I look forward to them.

    For those that don’t know, the JHD handle stands for JarheadDad. Just in case you see me floating around lost on the internet you can point me home! And that’s entirely possible as I’m always in a constant state of confusion.

    I think my solitary claim to fame on Country Universe is that I hold the record for number of censored posts of the regulars. Kevin always likes to pick on me. :-o

    I think it was Leeann that coined the “uber-fan” moniker for me because of my support of Miss Carrie. I just call it CUber fan now. Not to be confused with that island off the coast of S FL. I’m glad to see Dudley can dish it back at the Carrie detractors so I can pass the torch. You’re sassy Dudley and I like that. I have been known to go on a Carrie rant and some of them are quite beautiful. Heh! I’ve actually been a fan of hers since before Idol. Back in the days when she wasn’t paying dues playing the car show and fair circuit with her band Star Rise.

    My favorite internet pastime is to pick on traditionalists and Carrie haters. And journalists. And reviewers. And anybody else that doesn’t have a sense of humor!

    I have absolutely no idea how long I’ve been coming to this site but it’s been awhile. Maybe a couple of dozen folks were here back then? I believe it was when Kevin did a review of one of Carrie’s songs from Some Hearts when that first came out. My music tastes range over a broad spectrum. I love Traditional Country and the old masters I grew up on but I also like Pop Country and Country Rock. I’m an old rocker that loves anything and everything from The Platters to Humble Pie. I loved the Outlaw Country era and hated Urban Cowboy. Southern Rocker to the core. Saw Elvis when he was skinny and the Beatles live. Fished some with the likes of Junior Samples from back in the Hee-Haw days. Get into some Alt and a little Bluegrass. I also grew up on Zydeco and the Delta Blues. The Opry has been a shrine to me ever since I was a kid and could pick the show up when the atmosphere was just right. Nothin’ like Ol’ Hank on the transitor! I just like good music and it really doesn’t matter to me what genre. Except pop and rap. I don’t much care for degenerates.

    I’m quiet, shy, and get my feelin’s hurt easily so be gentle! ;-)

  22. J.R. Journey is my real name and I am a radio DJ/salesperson – been a country fan since I was 9. I’ve been reading CU for about 18 months now, but it was the 100 Greatest Women feature (which I found via The 9513 like a lot of others) that got me to reading daily.

    Also, I usually always agreed with the reviews and really enjoy the comments section, so I got hooked too …

  23. Hi, I go by “CF” online, and I am 20 years old (soon to be 21 in March), and I’ve been reading Country Universe for quite some time: wow, I just researched it real quick, and I was think it was since September 2004, or close to that, so about 4.25 years? That was when it was on Blogger and I remember finding about the site because Kevin (who was the only author at the time), linked to my Lee Ann Womack website with a news item on her (about the RNC lol), and I thought that was nice (I Googled that to find it).

    I remember a time when I was one of the commenters on the blog haha, and it has grown so big since then. I’m more and more impressed each day with the growth and the participation, and it’s gotten better with the interaction and new authors. Love this site!

  24. I’m Sam, I do post occasionally, but I always seem to be at work and miss interesting things to comment on until after someone’s already said what I want to say. I live in London, in England, and was converted to country music by Carrie Underwood – but I’ve broadened my tastes since then, and now I go for much more rootsy, ‘authentic’ country music (and Carrie).

  25. Hi, I’m Lily and found your site through 9513. I’m Austrian and started listening to Country Music some 10 years back when I found out through a (country) cover version of an R&B song that country isn’t all about Johnny Cash and the Highway Men ;) (yes, now I know better). I rarely comment ’cause usually someone else already said it for me. What I appreciate most on your – and the 9513 – blog that you put so much effort into finding interesting artists aside from the mainstream. as i have a fulltime job and some hobbies I do not really have the time to search the web (even though there are lots and amazing artists to find) so I’m really grateful you save some of my time. and the one thing I deeply admire is that you always keep the most heated (like when the music talk turns political) discussion respectfull.

    I take this opportunity to post a link for an article I originally found on a german website. this is from some vocal coaches and also deals with the “diva syndrome” and the “shout into your face” attitude which i absolutely do not care for. hope you enyou it.

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