Discussion: Recommend a Track

Change is in the air. Last night, Dan sparked an interesting conversation about the changes that readers would like to see in country music, inspired by the world events of this past week. Country Universe, of course, is undergoing its own series of changes. The best is (hopefully) yet to come. Some of the greatest country songs are about transition, whether they be tales of triumph or tragedy. Deaths, romantic dramas and job dissolutions (thank you, Mr. Paycheck) all fall into the category. For no particular reason, my choice at this moment is “I’ll Change for You,” from the Rosanne Cash album Rules of Travel. Recommend a track tonight, one that’s occupied with the grand notion of change.


  1. Change? I have to pick ” ’73 ” by Jennifer Hanson, a song that describes how “everything changes, that’s reality”, during a divorce through the eyes of a child. The best part of this song, is it’s all really her life; the music video features the very pictures described in this song. It’s sad, but still has hope for the future, and acknowledges that some good can come out of a bad divorce, like a new half brother.

    The production is also very simple, and beautiful, with a great melody.

  2. The only song I can think of at the moment that deals with change is Big & Rich’s Love Train. Not sure if I’m embarrassed about recommending that track or not but I personally like the song.

    We have to write our email now? That’s not good.

  3. Thanks, Dan. Of course, the person serving as President of the United States would’ve ‘changed’ the course of the country regardless of what happened Tuesday night. I believe that McCain and other members of the Republican party have important experiences and ideas that I hope they are willing to share in order to improve our current state of affairs, and I feel the same about Obama and the Democratic party had the result been in favor of McCain. Our society seems incredibly divisive, which is unfortunate, and I have a sense that this split would be less pronounced if we all attempted to at least consider issues from another’s viewpoint and refrain from judging so quickly.

    On a related note, I just realized how Rosanne Cash is obviously on one side of the political plate. :) Next week’s track brought to you by Bocephus. I promise.

  4. A perfect opportunity to recommend my favorite Dolly song, “Light Of A Clear Blue Morning”.

    This perfect piece of music must be heard:

  5. Unfortunately, these two discussions have gotten the Lisa Stansfield song “Change” stuck in my head, but I’m going to recommend two other songs with the same title.

    Carlene Carter’s “Change” is incredibly powerful, and can be found on her Little Acts of Treason set. Almost as good is Dolly Parton’s “Change”, which is on her album Something Special. Both sets came out in the mid-nineties, if I recall correctly.

  6. JR – I have not thought of that song in years – I used to love them — probably still do, if I just dig the CD out the box….

  7. Since Rosanne Cash was mentioned (rightly, in my humble opinion), I thought of this passage from her father’s signature 1971 hit “Man In Black”, and why he was always that kind of man:

    Well, there’s things that never will be right I know,
    And things need changin’ everywhere you go,
    But ’til we start to make a move to make a few things right,
    You’ll never see me wear a suit of white.

    Change is inevitable in this life–and right now, change is needed more than ever.

  8. I dug out their Greatest Hits CD the other day when I was looking for something else, and have been playing it a lot since then, Lanibug. BlackHawk had a lot of great songs. ‘Postmarked Birmingham’ is probably my favorite right now …

  9. ‘They wouldn’t let him play the Opry with whiskey on his breath,
    And it didn’t take em long to figure out what they missed’

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