Discussion: Recommend a Track

“Can’t Get There from Here”
Track from Miss Fortune
Allison Moorer

Written by Allison Moorer and Bruce Robison

The sweetly, sultry voice that Allison Moorer possesses consistently places her among the most gifted singers of her generation, although she’s remained unwilling to submit to the latest trends of the fickle music industry. In fact, in the credits of her 2002 album Miss Fortune, Moorer clearly stated that Pro Tools had not been used in the recording of the album. Her commitment to subtlety and a certain rawness within her performances grounds them in reality, a fact that’s kept her favorable reputation alive and well with off-the-beaten-path listeners.

Can’t Get There from Here,” a track from Miss Fortune, showcases Moorer’s lush, soulful vocals and her equally impressive, incisive writing style. Penned by Moorer and the brilliant Bruce Robison, the song is three minutes of ruminations of a lost and searching soul, and she handles it with both heartache and hope. While the song’s story itself (boredom with a tedious life and an even more routine love) is shaded with darkness, a little hint of healing and even acceptance seeps into the song thanks to Moorer’s careful reading. Although the frustrations and failings here are insurmountable, the strength in her message and her moving vocal prove that she’s momentarily conquered her significant doubt.

This tale emphasizes “all the things that (we) can’t touch” and how these “things” seemingly prove ever-elusive. But of course, this greed and unyielding need to corral certain aspects of our lives (may they be money, prestige or in this case, lasting romantic relationships) only exacerbates our desire for more success or happiness once our original goals are achieved. And Moorer echoes our craving for some semblance of peace in the face of “winds pushing (us) in all directions,” reinforcing our knowledge that life is best judged by our perseverance, regardless of our circumstance. In light of our current social and political climate, the ice, cold beer she suggests in the chorus may prove to be the only magic cure. At least until the “home” and a “place to belong” that she pursues in the final verse, the same senerity that we seek until our final moments, is found.

So to those that fight fingers to the bone, eight hours a day, for an honest dollar that turns so quickly into a dime, and those that find yourself flailing in a difficult and demanding love affair and even those that suffer from a constant fear of writer’s inadequacy (Boldt, party of one), three cheers, and here’s to getting there.

Recommend that track, folks!


  1. I reccomend “The Bees” from Lee Ann Womack’s recent album (Call Me Crazy)
    Since my class just read “Secret Life Of bees” :) Its a really great song!!!!!!!!!

  2. “The Bees” is amazing, definitely the best track on Call Me Crazy.

    Since “The Bees” features harmonies from Keith Urban, I’ll recommend another track featuring his vocals, “Let The Wind Chase You” from Trisha Yearwood’s Heaven, Heartache, And The Power Of Love.

    I think Keith just makes any song better with harmonies, and this song is just gorgeous in every way. The song is about the narrator (Yearwood) giving up on trying to keep her lover’s attention, so she says, “Let the wind chase you, I can’t do it anymore” and other lines that express similar concepts. These lines all tie together and it’s some stunning imagery sung with the perfect emotion, and Urban’s harmonies are heavenly.

    Check it out:

    Yes, it’s a Law and Order: SVU (which is one of my favorite shows) fan video, but I just wanted to post a link to the song on here.

  3. I Have been enjoying Casey Rivers CD more than I expected to. He has a strong Blake Shelton/Rick Trevino-like voice. “If I Know My Woman” is a strong track.

  4. I recently uploaded my Dixie Chicks CDs to my Windows Media Player and have been listening to them quite a bit. One of my favorite tracks on the Fly album is ‘Don’t Waste Your Heart’. So I recommend that this week.

  5. I like this group but they never get talked about here, at least I haven’t seen it. They should have a 10 favorite list one of these days. I’m not sure if it’s a guilty pleasure or not, but their harmonies were what made me really like them.

    Healing Side – SheDaisy

    Looking forward to their new album.

  6. Sugarland’s “Very Last Country Song” has become my song of the week. It’s such a great song! The writing is amazing and Jennifer Nettles’ performance is brilliant! It’s my favorite song from Love on the Inside.

  7. last week, i casually listened to the samples from lucas hudgins’ album “the world left is mine” over at “the9513”. since then, i’ve probably played those 3 songs more than a dozen times. don’t miss
    “your heart just slipped my mind”, if you’re not afraid of steel guitars and enjoy no-frills country music.

  8. Greg, I frequently use SHeDAISY for my recommend a track, they are amazing, and “Healing Side” is one of my top songs from Fortueteller’s Melody. I think their new album is slated for March, according to their myspace.

    Also, Aaron, that’s definitely in my top 5 of Sugarland songs, I love the dobro in the song, it’s gorgeous.

  9. 9513 got me on a Jessica Andrews kick yesterday — so mine is Good Time by Jessica Andrews – one of my favorite in the car songs.

  10. Although maybe not as big a fan as Dan :), Bruce Robison gets a thumbs up in my book, too. I can’t pinpoint a reason, but I like Allison Moorer’s version more.

  11. I didn’t want to request this a couple of weeks ago because it isn’t country, but I still love it, so here goes:

    I recommend Down Goes Another One by McFly.

    It’s an amazing song about dealing with a friend that commit suicide. The guitar solo begs to be cranked up loud, and the emotion and intensity of the song work very well.

  12. Although early, I recommend “What Child Is This” by Carrie Underwood (on her new Christmas rerelease). The production is simple, elegant, and clean while her voice is crisp and beautiful. When I’m in more of a “belty” mood I’ll reccomend the equally satisfying “O Holy Night.”

  13. J.R. already recommended it but “Don’t Waste Your Heart” on the Dixie Chicks Fly album, is amazing, I’m surprised it wasn’t released as a single.

    I’m going to suggest another Dixie Chick song from their Home album, called “A Home”, it’s heartbreaking but amazing. ;)

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