Comment Policy

As of September 8, 2008, we have put an official comment policy into effect.   They are as follows:

1.  Stick to the topic. Discussion on each post should remain relevant to its content.

2.  Speak respectfully. Do not insult, antagonize or otherwise disrespect the authors or other commenters.  Disagreement can be expressed without being disrespectful.

3.  Keep it clean. Any comment that contains profanity or bigotry of any kind will be deleted.

Commenters who violate the first two rules will be warned by a site administrator; future violating comments will be deleted.   Comments violating rule #3 will automatically be deleted.   Repeated violators will be banned from commenting at Country Universe.

These simple guidelines exist to build the Country Universe community and ensure that our readers feel comfortable expressing their ideas and opinions.    Because of this, we will be strictly enforcing them.

Please also note that our spam filter will automatically submit any comment with two or more links for moderation.   If your comment does not appear immediately and it includes two or more links, it will be cleared for posting by a site administrator.

If there are any questions or concerns regarding this policy, you can e-mail me at or leave a comment below.    You can review the policy at any time by following the link above the banner or on the sidebar.


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