Rascal Flatts, “Here”

Writing a review of this just seems like an exercise in futility. No fans will be won or lost by this performance.

If you enjoy listening to “I Melt” “Winner at a Losing Game ” and “Fast Cars and Freedom” “Take Me There”,  then you’ll enjoy this.

If a part of you died inside when reminded of those records, stay away. Far, far away.

You can just choose whichever grade applies to you.*

Grade: A/F

Listen: Here

*That’s right. I just took my review of an earlier Rascal Flatts single and changed a few words to make it “new.”  Given that this song is a blatant rewrite of “Bless the Broken Road”, I’m not putting in any more effort than they did.


  1. On the bright side, does this mean we can assume that “Bob That Head” is expected to peaked outside of the Top 15? Because that might restore my faith in the American people just a teeny bit more.

  2. Too funny!!

    But why do I feel like I’ve heard this song before? I’m not even being “funny”, I really feel like I’ve heard this song already. I can assure everyone, however, that I don’t own this album.

  3. I’m still puzzled over all the millions of people that buy their albums and “LOVE” their concerts. I’m not an expert like all of you, but I know bad singing and same old boring songs when I hear them, but then again I’m beginning to think it’s just me because I can’t stand Kenny Chesney either!

  4. Gail,

    I think you’re in good company here. It doesn’t seem that any of our regular commenters are overly fond of RF at least. RF boggles my mind. As for KC, I don’t have a visceral reaction against him, he just pretty much bores me.

  5. I haven’t heard it yet but I’m going to assume that I won’t like it. I haven’t liked any of their songs (except Winner At A Losing Game & My Worst Fear) so I guess this will be another I will ignore.

  6. I love the review. Nice and succinct. I actually looked up the lyrics of both songs. Unreal. Of course, RF has never had much imagination. I have a feeling many of the young girls who love them now will look back on this “musical phase” in their lives with some embarrassment. The New Kids on the Block of this generation?

    Leeann, I feel that way all the time these days. I swear we’ve started regurgitating more than just song titles lately. (If you figure out which song Leona Lewis’ “Bleeding Love” sounds like, let me know!)

    Oh and for the diehards, I discovered that RF will be releasing their Greatest Hits Volume I album Oct. 28 with four Christmas songs for your listening pleasure. ;)

  7. Lynn,

    If NKOTB was such an ’embarrassment’ why are they BACK on a Major label with a new album this week. It will likely do well (It won’t sell what they sold in the 80s but still). In fact, many of the women who liked NKOTB or Backstreet/*NSYNC like them.

  8. Oh, Matt, New Kids On The Block are surely an embarrassment. I don’t know why they’re on a major label now, but I know that my sister who used to love them in their prime is certainly embarrassed by that sad period of her life today.

  9. LOL, I liked them when I was a little kid (might have been the first music I owned, eek!). Still I have no interest in the group’s new album, even if I like Cheesy pop music (maybe thanks to them). I was in 6th grade when the group was peaking (but had already moved on to other music by then).

  10. Luckily, that high pitched guy turned me off right away. So, I don’t have to live with such embarrassment now.:)

  11. In an era of plummeting record sales, I suppose I can muster some kudos for not messing with a successful formula. I would be willing to bet that many of the NKOTB, BSB, NSYNC members wished they had squeezed every nickel out of a transient form of music. I think joey fatone would prefer a sold-out tour to “The Singing Office”, and Donnie Walhberg didn’t picture the day when Marky Mark would be the Oscar nominee and he would be the has-been.

    Maybe most of us here don’t think RF is doing anything we enjoy musically, but they seem to know what works for their fans. I am happy to count myself as not being a fan of theirs, but a certain part of me admires the business acumen that has sold them 16 million records in a tough record-selling climate.

  12. I wonder what they’re doing so well that has garnered so many fans. It’s hard for me to believe that it’s good business sense on their part and not just some really strange luck. That’s probably just my cynicism and disdain for their music talking though. It’s hard for me to see through it to give them credit where it likely is due.

  13. And that Lead vocal needs to take the clothespin off his nose!! I can’t listen to a whole song without wanting to blow my nose, and to see and hear him sing live is just painful!

  14. I forgot that they used to have a three part harmony. Was it distinctive? I can only remember it on “Prayin For Daylight” and maybe “Everyday Love” or whatever it was called.

  15. I never really could get into Rascal Flatts, but what doomed this band in my eyes was their flat versions of the Eagles’ “Life In The Fast Lane” and “Hotel California” on the Grammys two years ago. They clearly didn’t get what those songs were about. They just did them because they were Eagles’ songs–and that is about as bad a reason to do them. Rascal Flatts may be a lot of things to a lot of people, but they’re definitely NOT anything like the Eagles.

  16. I love Rascal FLatts. I have been to 6 of their concerts. They truely have the best voices in the world and they are truely amazing to their fans. They have made sure that the fans know how much they are thankful for them. They make sure at every concert that the fans have the best night of their liveI honestly think that before you bash rascal flatts you need to see them in concert and then come back and tell us what you think. Rascal Flatts have changed my life.

  17. I have seen them in concert and wanted my money back! Glad you love them Samantha and that’s great, but they do nothing for me. All artist appreciates their fans, I’m sure.

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