Chad Brock, “Put a Redneck in the White House”

In the politically-charged American society that is the year 2008, many country music artists seem to have their own personal political messages spelled out into song.  Chad Brock is no different.  Brock, who released three albums with Warner Bros. between 1999-2001 and scored a #1 hit in 2000 with “Yes”, returns with “Put a Redneck in the White House”.  The song pushes all the “right” buttons, from the crowd of cheering voices in the chorus to the remarks about the high gas prices and the struggling American economy.  Although Brock is insistent that a redneck would do a better job, he never quite tells us why.  It’s the main problem with the light-hearted tune.

Overall, “Put a Redneck in the White House” is purely a comical song observing the current political environment, and is at least different from its politically-minded predecessors by not clearly taking any sides.  It never sets out to reinvent the wheel, but it will likely fail to entertain after more than one or two listens.

Grade: C

Listen: Put a Redneck in the White House


  1. The song is a little better than a “C” – maybe a C+. If you really want to hear some on-point country music on politics, listen to some of Jim Nesbitt’s songs from the 1960s.

    Usually the best political music is satirical and (usually) understated. Nesbitt was a master of the sub-genre

  2. I’ve always thought Brock was in that C list category, bound to be forgotten after initial impact. This song proves that to be true. Like Rickochet (another C list act), it’s inconceivable that he will return to radio with the songs that he is attempting to release as his comeback single.

  3. Why are you guys being so serious? What difference does it make if the song or the singer is A list or C list. I think the song is a hoot. Lord knows we need some humor in this current political, social and economic climate. Everyday there’s plenty happening in the world to make a person sick to the stomach.
    The song and the premise is truly funny, unlike the actual political campaign mudslinging among the candidates. The song writers and Chad Brock are right: It’s not about whose left or right, but whose wrong and whose right.

  4. I’ve met Chad and heard his beautiful singing voice from three feet away. This song is junk, though, and certainly not a comeback single.

    I suspect that he may be lacking A-Drawer material, a common problem noted by Waylon Jennings some time ago in an interview: To paraphrase, if you can’t consistently write and compose your own hit material, you’re at the mercy of others.

    I miss his voice. I miss his ballads.

    Now, we’re left with squeaky-voice, daddy-paid-for-my-career Taylor Swift and the similarly vocally deficient Carrie Underwood…noisy, nonsense-lyric duos like Big & Rich…and other yawns.

    Shane Stockton got out after just 1 successful CD, citing payola. With the junk now on country radio, I tend to believe him.

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