Tim McGraw, “Let it Go”

Well, this is clearly an empowerment anthem. He’s going to rise above the pain and dark experiences that have permeated his life and try to “let it go.” It may sound cheesy, but I’m sold.

While this song from McGraw’s current album, Let It Go, may not break new ground, his vocals and the production are solid. Ultimately, McGraw’s delivery is successful enough to make us believe that he will, indeed, conquer his demons. Moreover, it aptly delivers on what we have come to expect from Tim McGraw music, which is a good thing.

Written by Tom Douglas, Aimee Mayo & William C. Luther

Grade: B+

Listen: Let it Go

Buy: Let it Go


  1. This is probably the best single released from this record since the first two so that’s an improvement. I hope it’s a hit as I think McGraw is still very much an important artist for country radio. Also Tom Douglas is one of my favorite writers.

  2. I really like this song, I hope radio will give it a chance, well we will have to wait and see
    Tim is an artist that continues to grow so I hope this song dose well for him.

  3. I love this song.When I’m down I sing this song, and just let it all go ! Tim knows how to hit the hearts and mind of many people.Great Song Tim!

  4. Good to see him back in the hat. He just didn’t look right without it. We were split on this single, but I will give it a run.

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