Jypsi, “Love is a Drug”

All of the fiery fiddle and the production magic can’t create enough of a distraction from the problems with this record: the song is terrible and the vocals are even worse.   That this is a new band on Arista Nashville is just the latest dismaying evidence of how far the label’s standards have dropped since becoming a BMG imprint.

Grade: D

Listen: Love is a Drug

Buy: Love is a Drug


  1. Heard “Love is a Drug” and think it is a fine first offering by Jypsi. Jypsi’s MySpace has two other songs that are a better representation of the group’s depth of sound and I will put money down that Jypsi will have a long and solid career and contribute plenty to the growth of music generally.

    I have seen these kids play live and can attest that they are incredibly talented musicians who truly can play with anyone. Can’t wait for the album to be released.

    E. Sharpe

  2. This review is hillarious! If you had any “real” knowledge, or expertise in music it would be obdvious to you just how talented and unique Jypsi really is.Playing all your own instuments on a major recording by a major label is very rare these days, and vocally, they are incredible and the “real thing”.Tuners not required.Open your ears man.While Love is a drug may not win song of the year for writing, Believe me, these musicians know what great music is and are able to play and sing it with the best of the best,No Joke!Some of the best sibling harmony you will ever hear.Ask thier pier’s.Try listening live to some of the people you think “can” sing. You are revealing yourself as someone with little knowledge of talent with some of these critic’s.Either, do a little research, grab an ear, or try writing about something you may have a clue about!
    Jypsi Rocks!!!

  3. I concur with Kanada, think the reviewer is quite obviously a poor judge of talent and this review will surely be held up as an example of his lack of an eye or ear for talent when this band goes big. Jypsi will be a critical and commercial successs because they are incredible musicians who are passionate about their music and work damn hard.

    Go get em Jypsi, we are cheering for ya!!

  4. Amazing harmonies this group Jypsi. Love is a Drug is great enough that I will buy the full CD when it comes out. I sheard/saw Jypsi perform live, and they are one of the best live performance groups I have ever seen.

  5. A good stage show does not always translate to good albums. While I think Kevin was a little harsh on this single I would rate it no better than a C.

    Jimmy Dickens and Neal McCoy were always terrific live performers but neither of them ever put out great albums and McCoy only rarely had great singles. It works both ways – there are artists such as David Houston and Sara Evans that put out great albums that were disappointing live performers

    So let’s lay off criticizing Kevin, he gave an honest review , not a fan rave. IF Jypsi is really as talented as you say they are (I’ve not seen them live) maybe next time around they’ll take more care in their recordings

  6. Asking everyone to lay of Kevin is childish on your part,as well as commenting on an album that has not been released and you have had no way of hearing.The critic is open for critisizmand,and to compare Little Jimmy and Neal to a band you have never heard save for one single, shows your colors as well.
    The proof will be in time(a very short time) when Jypsi will be on top!Wait and see!!!

  7. FYI re comments on Arista and label stadards…If you knew the inside of the biz you would know that Arista is still run by the same people since the take over and it has become harder, not easier to get a deal…Jypsi is one of the acts that survived all the employee’s and acts being dropped,and for good reason…One of Joe’s favorite acts to date.

  8. Funny – I thoght I was commenting upon the single – oh and I have heard other tracks by Jypsi, including one available only at Cracker Barrell (or its website)

  9. The vocal performance is great, and I think the reviewer Kevin got carried away with his dislike of the song itself and lost his sense of objectivity. This band can sing and anyone who sits back and just listens to the music can’t miss that. As for the song, it is a pop country song, equal in style and simplicity to many very successful pop songs that have been released recently. I always think reviewers have to bear in mind what they are reviewing, and if you’re reviewing a Top 40 song, you have to consider general musical tastes and you can’t be looking for spiritual enlightment or the next Bob Dylan when it comes to lyrics. This is a fine performance of a good Top 40 song and I for one think it is going to do very well, despite what Kevin thinks.

  10. I agree with Micheal, Well said, That is how a reviewer should review,knowledgeable and objective.
    This is a great,very promising, upcoming, act that we will hear a lot from in the very near future…Producer Blake Chancey has gone after these kids with the same enthusiasm as he did producing the Dixie Chicks first 2 albums which have sold over 22 million combined.They are all the buzz on The Row.
    Good luck Jypsi, the sky is the limit!

  11. Reviews should be critical (check Webster’s for the meaning if you think critical necessarily means unfavorable), not fan raves, which is what too many seem to expect of reviews.

  12. Did it ever occur to Kevin that “production magic” is what may have screwed it up for him. This group is excellent, and the studio certainly may have changed their sound to something more “commercial” and by doing so diminished their sound. Heck, who knows.

  13. Love this band, was dissapointed to google them and find this review. Hope this doesn’t turn potential fans off Jypsi. Love their harmonies.

  14. Well i think this song is so cool cause it has cool music and different vocals and i think the lyrics are very good.

  15. Mixed metaphor alert! (courtesy of Ben the grammar geek)

    “Heavy is the hand that wears the crown” – Do hands wear crowns? No. A crown is worn on the head.

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