Steve Holy, "Men Buy the Drinks (Girls Call the Shots)"

Starting a song about the battle of the sexes with Adam, Eve and the apple is so horribly contrived that this song almost lost me from the opening verse.   But Holy’s energy, coupled with the aggressive production, kept me hanging on.    It’s not exactly the second coming of “Men Smart (Women Smarter)”, but it’s a fun and entertaining record.    I could’ve done without the backing chorus singing the “Na Na Na’s” – and I usually love me some “Na Na Na’s” – but overall, this is a pretty good record.

Grade: B



1 Comment

  1. I’ll have to admit that I enjoy this whole album from him. I bought it because it was on sale somewhere. I burned it onto my computer and then ended up giving it away to someone who liked him. Then later, I happened to listen to the burned tracks on my computer and was surprised that I actually enjoyed the CD. I guess I wish I hadn’t so hastily written it off in the first place.

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