Jake Owen, “Something About a Woman”

Jake Owen, “Something About a Woman”

A good opening verse leads to a chorus that confesses, “There’s something about a woman, some kind of sweet little something that I may never understand.”

Which reveals that there’s not really a wizard behind the songwriting curtain here. A better song would capture what the something is. A lazy song with an equally lazy performance to go with it. Meh.

Grade: C-

Listen: Something About a Woman

Buy: Something About a Woman


  1. I think Jake Owen is a really good talent. I can’t believe he released this song though. It would have been the perfect time for “8 second ride”. If you haven’t heard “8 second ride” download/buy it. This song is crap though. Very very boring. Make sure you drink plenty of coffee while listening…. you’ll need it.

  2. I would have chosen “Ghosts” as the next single … this one won’t do as well on the charts as “Yee Haw” did because it won’t replace “Startin’ With Me” on most station’s playlists.

  3. I think the song is awesome and will hit the top 5,

    I am a listener of country since the late 40’s and am pretty much on the mark of what songs has the potential and appeal to be popular and this song has a real catchy verses and Jake’s delivery is great.

    Grade AAA
    Top 5 easily,

  4. There is something about a woman. This song does show some diversity from young Mr. Owen. The album is filled with hits and one wonders why not Eight Second Ride, or Places to Run? However this song does make you think. Its a nice perfomance, by the artist, and shows the creative spark that lacks on so many other offerings from country radio artists today. If you’ve been with a great woman, then you might just understand, and if not, it should make you take a second look. Anyway you look at, its a good song, maybe not the best song, but worthy.

    I give an A.

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