Chris Cagle, “What Kinda Gone”

Chris Cagle, “What Kinda Gone”

I was smiling from the very first verse. Packed with personality and more spins on the word “gone” than you’d think you could fit in one song. Touching on my criticism of the Flynnville Train single, here’s what I mean about making me care. I have sympathy for the guy in this song, even if it’s all his fault in the end. I haven’t heard anything from Cagle in a while. The time away has done him good.

Grade: B+

Listen: What Kinda Gone

Buy: What Kinda Gone


  1. I, too, wondered what happened to Chris. It’s really nice to see him back on the scene, and this is a strong way to jump back in. Cleverly written, and delivered with the style that made Chris a star to begin with. He gets you from the first stanza, and keeps you listening right on through to see where it goes.

    Real lyrics go a long way. This song is, as you mentioned, one that draws a person to relate. And to care enough about to guy to feel sorry for him (in a man’s case, no doubt) or to laugh at him and shoot a venomous glance his way (hell has no fury like a woman scorned) and it has a catchy enough hook to keep it bouncing around in your head for a while.

    Good to have Cagle back, and I hope this single is indicitive of whats to come on the new album.

  2. Chris has been one of my favorites since laredo. This was a very average song though. I didn’t really care for it at all. Glad to have him back though!!

  3. I have been a CC fan since his first sone My love goes on and on. I have seen him about 12 times since he has came out on tour. I have met the CC 8 times. This guy has been through more trials in his life than most people go through. Yet he still gets out on stage and give one hell of a show. He puts so much emotion in a show it is unreal. He is a very true artist to his music. He doesn’t care if he performs for 10,000 people or 1,000. You are still gonna get a great show out of one of the best performers I have ever seen. His new sone I hope does a awesome job on the radio. It takes all of us fans calling in everyday and requesting his song played. His last CD flopped for who knows what reason. I thought it was one of the best CD’s he has had out. I am very anxious to hear the new CD. CC keep on rocking. You are doing a great job……. See ya in the Quad Cities…….

  4. Chris this ann i really hope the best for you.Hope you hit it big your songs are great and you write beatiful music.HEY DEREK SAY GIVE HIM A CALL SOME TIME I KNOW IT MIGHT BE HARD FOR YOU BUT WE STILL LIKE TO HERE FROM YOU every now and then ok good luck.

  5. I’ve never been a big fan of his. However, I do like this song quite a bit. It’s got the energy of What A Beautiful Day, another song of his that I like, though I know the themes are polar opposites.

  6. Great comeback single from Chris. His career looked promising but his personal life intervened. There’s still time for him to fulfill his potential and recording stuff like this wont hurt!

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