Clint Black, “The Strong One”

Clint Black, “The Strong One”

So this is much better than all those treacly love songs that were Clint’s bread and butter in the mid-nineties. He’s much more effective singing about the perfect woman in the third person rather than the first. I like Craig Morgan’s “Tough” better, which explores a similar theme with a bit more effectiveness, but this is as good a record as I’ve heard from Clint in a while. Let’s hope he keeps it up.

Grade: B

Listen: The Strong One

Buy: The Strong One


  1. This song is a beautiful balled. Clint is a country legend and I hope this will help people realize that again.

  2. This is a very powerful song and for those that it directly relates to can appreciate it even more. I think the song “Tough” by Craig Morgan and “The Strong One” by Clint Black speak of the same strengh but in different situations. It’s so much easier to be tough when you have your family there for you. It’s much different when you are all you have and you also have your child that looks to you for all the answers. Overall, the song speaks volumes!

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