Alison Krauss & Union Station, “Simple Love”

Alison Krauss & Union Station, “Simple Love”

All of the new tracks from the recent Alison Krauss compilation A Hundred Miles or More are worth hearing, but this is one of the best.   It’s usually assumed that we envy other people for their material possessions, but Krauss here is envying a man who has recently passed away.  He’d lived a simple life, “always giving, never asking back.”   She prays that when it’s her time to go, she can look back and say she had a simple love like that.  I’m not quite sure if she’s wanting a man who will love her selflessly, or if she’s wishing she can find a man that she can love selflessly.    Either way, it’s a beautiful message, with Krauss’ vocal capturing the bittersweet longing the lyric demands.

Grade: A

Listen: Simple Love

Buy: Simple Love


  1. I agree I really enjoy this song, as usual Alison’s haunting vocals lead the way on a great lyrical journey. I may be partial though, I am fairly sure I have absolutly loved everything she has ever done.

  2. I’ll be consistant with the review I posted on Amazon (2.5 stars for this song) – this song is a yawner, pleasant but nothing special at all – the Alison Krauss version of muzak. There are many better tracks on the CD which could have been pushed to radio

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