LeAnn Rimes, "Nothin' Better to Do"

LeAnn Rimes, “Nothin’ Better to Do”

She hasn’t done anything quite like this before, a muddy water twang-fest that has her sounding like a mature woman who has seen some hard times, but still has a hell of a time living it up.

I noticed her starting to tackle interesting and challenging material on This Woman, and it’s clear she’s going to continue down that path with this new release. She sounds fantastic, the song is mysterious and her lower register is almost seductive. I can’t wait to hear the rest of this album.

Grade: A-



More LeAnn Rimes:

Best Country Singles of 2006

Best Country Singles of 2005

400 Best Contemporary Country Singles: #200-#176


  1. The video came out today It’s an awsome song and definatley a new style for her. I think it’s one of her best so far.

  2. I love this song and I’m not even a big fan of hers. It made me go out and buy the CD. Then again, I literally have thousands of CDs.

  3. Best song on her album. There are fillers on that album and I must admit I was disappointed by a quite a few of them. I guess when you have a song as good as this one (and if you listen you’d understand all the words) the rest of the album has a hard time keeping up.

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