Review: Keith Urban, “I Told You So”

Keith Urban, “I Told You So”

Kick anything off with a tin whistle that has a Celtic feel, and you’ve got my attention.  I love Urban’s most recent album because he expands on his basic signature sound.    Doesn’t hurt that the material is stronger, either.  Here, Urban makes a pact with his wayward lover who has returned:  “Don’t say that you’re sorry, and I won’t say I told you so.”    The instrumental bridge is like nothing I’ve ever heard before, on a country record or otherwise.

Grade: A

Listen: I Told You So

Buy: I Told You So


  1. this is the most amazing song i have heard in my life. keith urban always has amazing songs, but this is especially amazing. when i heard it on the cd i was like omg, i hope this will be a single it is amazing

  2. First of all Marlord, shut up.

    Second of all this song really is amaizing. I have never heard a production like this before. I really hope it hits #1 because Keith’s flawless voice and the instrumentals make this one of the most powerful songs this year for me. I seriosuly get goosebumps everytime I hear it because its just so unigue and catchy. I wasn’t sure what to expect from this as a review though because the instrumentals seemed real crossover country, but I’m happy they actually worked in the songs favor. I may add Keith wrote the song on his own so the instrumentals were all his work, shows he has so much more talent than just in his voice.

  3. This song is one of the best Keith Urban songs yet. The band is amazing. The song is so creative with the instruments and those people know how to play them. Keith has great vocals and amazing range. The lyrics are pretty good. My mom LOVES Keith Urban and says this is his best song yet. I give it a A+.

  4. He’s definately developed his own sound.. i’ve yet to figure out if he’s country or what… sounds good though… wish he’d calm it down on the instumental work though… sounds good though i give it a B-

  5. I love this song a lot!!! I just want to get in my car, roll the windows down, and turn the radio on loud as possible and let this song just blare away…..oh wait, I think I did this!!! Love, love this song!! Keith is so full of talent and his talent doesn’t really show on his CDs like it does live! Outstanding entertainer! What a shame some people can’t appreciate and enjoy Keith’s talents! I agree Cory, Nicole is one lucky lady!

  6. I’m still leaning toward Keith Urban as being rock-n-roll interpreter–not country. Same way I feel about Kenny Chesney. To me, these guys are okay, but not solid country crooners.

  7. When I first heard this album, I wasn’t a fan. I bought it because it was Keith and I love his music. Now, however, the CD has really grown on me and I really enjoy it; this song included. What a fun song.

  8. This song is a gem. I was addicted from the first time I heard it when I bought the CD to well after it left the charts. Keith is the 2000’s Vince Gill. He sounds good with anyone on their album, plays every string instrument, and releases beautiful songs like this.

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