Review: Carolyn Dawn Johnson, “Got a Good Day”

Carolyn Dawn Johnson, “Got a Good Day”

Is it too much to ask for a frickin’ melody these days? Carolyn Dawn Johnson has a decent voice, but you’d never know it as she whispers and talks through the verses, sounding emotionally detached like Paula Cole does on “Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?” Cole’s approach made sense given the message of that song, but Johnson is trying to convince us she’s having a good day. My best guess: it’s a good day because she’s stoned. By the time she asked me to throw my hands up in the bridge, I was done.

Grade: C

Listen Now: Got a Good Day

Buy Now: Got a Good Day

1 Comment

  1. This surprised me that it was cjosen as the US single for the new album, because it’s one of the best cds that came out last year and then they chose the weakest song on the album to put out? Oh well hopefully it gets airplay so they could get to the ood stuff like Crybaby, Taking Back My Brave, Into You. C+

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