Get a Grip – Faith was joking!

I knew it must be bad when the pop stations in New York City were chattering about Faith Hill being a sore loser at the CMA’s. CMT has even written a remarkably serious news story about the controversy. Am I the only one who could tell she was kidding? I laughed my ass off when she did her obviously tongue-in-cheek diva reaction to not winning. She’s going out of her way to play to the camera:

The idea that Faith, who has lost far more at the CMA’s than she’s won, would suddenly be sensitive to not winning this year, and have such an over-the-top reaction to losing, is beyond ridiculous. Part of the problem is that the camera moved away quickly, so the audience couldn’t see any follow-up, but she is clearly laughing and then putting on a performance for the camera. There must be something better to talk about post-CMA than this inflated controversy. Perhaps the dire need for a balancing out of the BMG vote?

Update (4:50 pm): Faith has responded to the silly controversy.


  1. I’m not that sure she was kidding, Kevin – I had recorded the show and went back and looked at the footage several times. Even if she was kidding, she deserves reproach for her bad judgment

  2. … Yeah. I don’t buy the “botched joke” defense from John Kerry, and I don’t buy it from Faith Hill, either, because that’s not the point. She very well may have been kidding, but it’s not about execution of a joke, it’s about piss-poor judgment and a bloated sense of self importance.

    The camera certainly shouldn’t have lingered on Hill for any follow-up explanation– she’d already succeeded in making Underwood’s moment about *her*, so to continue to let her display the kind of acting chops she displayed here (and, of course, in her typecast role as a Stepford Wife) would’ve only further stolen Underwood’s thunder.

    And I say this as someone who thinks Carrie Underwood is nothing more than diminished returns on Faith Hill anyway.

  3. By the way – there really isn’t anything wrong with Faith being angry or disappointed at not winning. That’s just human emotion at work.

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