Retro Single Review: George Strait, “Does Fort Worth Ever Cross Your Mind”

1984 | Peak: #1

Sometimes it’s a bit bewildering to differentiate the classic Strait singles from the forgotten ones.

What made this one so special?  Well, it has a great opening line, for one thing.  A more confident vocal and a Texas-centric focus certainly would’ve made it stand out back in 1984.

Today, it’s not quite distinctive enough to stand out among his other mid-eighties work, as songs with more personality would soon overshadow what he accomplishes here.

Written by Darlene Shafer and Sanger D. Shafer

Grade: B



  1. This one kinda shows to me just how far King George has fallen. This may have been a “lesser” single from the early era, but it beats recent singles “Twang,” “Troubadour,” “The Breath You Take,” and “River of Love” by quite a mile.

  2. Interesting tidbit about this song…It was originally offered to Reba McEntire. She hesitated because, at that time, she thought her audience wouldn’t like her singing about beer-drinking. She eventually passed, and George picked it up. Reba has since said that passing on this song is one of her musical regrets. Would love to hear her sing it now, but that probably won’t happen.

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